Chapter 37

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Katherine poured the salad into a large bowl while Molly took the chicken out of the oven. Tonks came into the kitchen and grabbed the utensils to set the table. Molly took her mitts off and told Katherine to help Tonks. Katherine nodded and grabbed the salt and pepper shakers. When Katherine made it to the dining room, she saw Arthur talking with Kingsley and Remus while the twins joked around with Bill. Fleur was sitting by herself, making Katherine feel awful. The whole summer Ginny and Molly acted indifferently towards the girl. Sure, Fleur had her diva moments, but she was a girl who felt out of place at the end of the day.

"What do you think about Fleur?" Katherine asked, keeping an eye on her.

"I don't know," Tonks shrugged, placing a napkin down. "Molly always says she's a snob, but I can't judge the girl when I've never talked to her."

"Yea, I feel bad for her. She's away from home and has been living with her fiance's family," Katherine sighed. She looked at the metamorphmagus to see she was no longer paying attention to the conversation. Tonks was staring at Remus. "So, how is the Remus situation?"

"What?" Tonks snapped her head towards Katherine. "Did you say, Remus?"

"Yes, I did," Katherine chuckled. "How are you two?"

"Remus still won't go out with me," Tonks sighed. "Says he's a monster and a monster can never be loved, but it's not true. I've told him so many times!"

"Give it some time. I'm sure he'll come to his senses," Katherine gave a reassuring smile. Tonks nodded her head and continued to get the table ready.

"Dinner time!" Molly called, rushing into the kitchen with the chicken and salad. Dinner was delicious like it always was when Molly cooked. Small talk was what occurred during the dinner. After, Molly cleaned up with Fleur offering to help.  Molly refused. As she cleaned, Mad-Eye started to talk.

"Dumbledore, can't be here tonight," Mad-Eye gruffly said, "so I'll be taking over. First things first, we know that Florian Fortescue and Garrick Ollivander are missing."

Katherine tensed up. George noticed and put his hand on her thigh in an attempt to make her feel somewhat better. Katherine looked at him with a sad smile and rested her head on George's shoulder.

"I have a team looking for the two men. So far, we have no leads to who took them," Mad-Eye's magic eye swiveled around and landed on Katherine. His face fell but quickly morphed back to the grumpy face he usually displayed. "There is another matter to resolve as well. Go ahead, Kingsley."

"Recently, You-Know-Who and his followers have been killing Muggles. He's starting to step up his game, and now he's going for Muggle-borns and their families and people who defy him. We've got a tip from someone saying that Death Eaters are planning to attack the Creswells."

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