Chapter 47

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Katherine felt the tube-like sensation, but it quickly stopped when a big black house sat in front of her. She tried to get out of Bellatrix's grip, but she only hit Katherine. Bellatrix dragged Katherine through the doorway. Katherine looked around and saw black and dusty hallways and rooms. There were several House-Elves cleaning artifacts and furniture.

Bellatrix let go of Katherine, causing her head to hit the ground. Katherine groaned and looked up, seeing many figures in black cloaks. One person caught her eye. She was the woman Katherine had chased through Diagon Alley. Her ice-blue eyes worriedly stared at Katherine. Bellatrix grinned at the sight of Katherine freaking out.

Katherine's breathing picked up, making everyone, besides the blonde woman, laugh. She wanted to cry but held the tears back. She couldn't let the Death Eaters see her cry, but it was too late. The breathing still picked up, and the tears poured down her face. Katherine watched Bellatrix skip to the table behind her and grab a knife.

Katherine's eyes widened at the stained blood on the tip of the metal. That had to be Adrien's blood. Katherine pulled herself up and started to back up, but she felt a body behind her. She turned around and saw a smirking Alden. Katherine felt the fear run away. Now it was replaced with anger. Katherine punched Alden in the nose.

Alden laughed as he held his nose. Katherine went to punch him again, but he caught her hand and twisted it, causing her to whimper. Alden dragged her to Bellatrix and threw her on the floor. Bellatrix flipped the small knife between her fingers. She still had a smile on her face, but her tongue was in between her teeth.

"Everyone, get out!" Bellatrix calmly shouted. She turned to watch her fellow Death Eaters walk to a door. "Cissy and Alden, you stay!"

"Gladly," Alden snickered. Katherine looked at the blonde woman Bellatrix had called Cissy. She was looking at the ground and slowly walking to Bellatrix.

"Bellatrix, are you sure the Dark Lord would app—"

"The Dark Lord said not to kill her, Narcissa. He never said anything about having fun," Katherine now recognized the blonde woman. She was Andromeda's sister and Draco Malfoy's mother.

Bellatrix turned her head back to Katherine. Every time she took a step towards Katherine, the girl would crawl away. Just to taunt Katherine, Bellatrix jumped at her making Katherine let out a yelp. Alden and Bellatrix snickered at the girl's reaction, but Narcissa stayed quiet. Bellatrix finally grabbed Katherine and pinned her against the floor. Katherine wriggled around, trying to get out from under Bellatrix, but the Death Eater slapped her. Bellatrix pointed the knife at Katherine and slowly moved it down.

"NO! NO!" Katherine cried.

Soon enough, Bellatrix's knife met Katherine's pale arm. Bellatrix roughly ran the knife against Katherine's skin, making her thrash around and scream. Narcissa bit her lip to prevent herself from saying anything. She had to stand there and watch her sister torture her cousin's child. At times like this, Narcissa wished she left with Andromeda.

When Bellatrix finished, she licked the knife. Katherine let her head fall to her left. She saw the words that were carved into her arm—Blood Traitor. Katherine started to cry when she saw the blood dripping down her arm. Bellatrix watched Katherine's grey eyes fill with tears. A sudden rage filled the woman. She snatched her wand from the table and pointed it at Katherine.


Katherine's screams filled the room. She felt the same knife sensation she felt a year and a half ago. Suddenly, Katherine's back arched up, making the pain increase. Katherine's screams got louder and louder. Finally, Bellatrix stopped using the Cruciatus Curse. Katherine could barely breathe, but not for long. Bellatrix waved her wand, and a large cut appeared on Katherine's stomach. She started to cry when she felt the blood leaving her body. Suddenly, her eyes began to get heavy. They finally closed, and black overcame her.


Katherine woke up to the feeling of a wet cloth on her head. She opened her eyes to see a House-Elf looking at her. The House-Elf jumped up and hurried to the corner of the room. Katherine went to sit up but stopped when a pain shot through her head. Instead of getting up, Katherine turned her head to look at the Elf. It was still sitting in the corner.

"Come here, please," Katherine's voice was hoarse, and her throat was sore.

"Is Miss okay?" the House-Elf squeaked.

"Yes, just a little headache," Katherine answered. "And please call me Katherine."

"O-okay," the Elf stammered.

"What's your name, and why are you here?" Katherine asked.

"My name is Dilly," she answered. "Mistress Narcissa told me to help you with whatever you want."

Katherine smiled at the last sentence. 'Help you with whatever you want.' Katherine knew exactly what she wanted, but first, she needed to feel better. She decided to look around the room. It looked like a boy's room—a few pieces of furniture, a Quidditch poster, and a big black bed.

"Dilly, who's room is this?" Katherine questioned.

"It is Master Draco's room," Dilly smiled when she said his name.

"Do you like Draco?" Katherine smiled.

"Very much. Master Draco is very nice to Dilly. Master Draco gives Dilly snacks and is much nicer than Master Lucius," Dilly said. Suddenly, Dilly's face showed fear and sadness. She started to bang her head on the dresser next to the bed.

"Dilly, stop!" Katherine demanded, but Dilly didn't stop. "Dilly, Narcissa said to do whatever I ask, and I'm asking you to stop!"

Dilly finally stopped making Katherine let out a sigh of relief. Katherine rubbed her head in an attempt to relieve her headache. She slowly sat up and took deep breaths. Katherine stood up but leaned against the drawer when she nearly fell. Dilly ran to Katherine and helped her sit back down on the bed.

"How long have I been here, Dilly?" Katherine held her head as she sat down.

"Three days," Dilly responded.

"What!" Katherine raised her voice, causing her headache to worsen.

"Please, lay down and sleep," Katherine did as the House-Elf said. She laid down, and Dilly covered her. "When Miss. Katherine wakes up, and I will bring food."

"Dilly, could you do me another favor?" Katherine asked. Dilly smiled and nodded. "When I wake up, please ask Narcissa to come in."

"Yes, Dilly will do that."

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