Chapter 81

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   Eighteen Years Later

"Alright, does everyone have their trunks and owls?" Katherine asked as she grabbed her purse and walked to the fireplace.

"Yes, Mum," four voices answered back.

"Mum, let's go!" one boy whined. "I want to catch up with Teddy!"

"Fredrick Sirius, don't rush your mother!" George sternly said, walking into the living room. He bent down and pecked Katherine's lips. The kids all cringed or stuck their tongues out.

"Alright, Fred go first," Katherine said, handing him a handful of Floo Powder.

Fred took it and walked into the fireplace. "London King's Cross Station!"

The boy quickly vanished, and Katherine ushered the girls into the fireplace. George went after the girls, leaving the youngest child with his mother.

"Mum, is Kreacher and Dobby coming with us?" he asked.

"Do you want them to come?" Katherine asked. The boy nodded. "Then they shall. Kreacher! Dobby! Please come here!"

There were two cracks, and the house-elves appeared. The boy smiled and hugged each elf. Katherine looked at the tiny elf that had joined their family a year ago. George had found him in an abandoned alley and decided to bring him home. Katherine nursed him back to health, and he stayed with the Weasleys ever since.

"You two will be joining us at the station," Katherine smiled.

"Yay!" Dobby squeaked.

Katherine chuckled. "Alright, Kreacher, can you apparate with Dobby? I don't want him accidentally getting lost."

"Kreacher will do that," the elf bowed, "and Kreacher can take the trunk as well."

"That would be lovely! Thank you, Kreacher," Katherine said. Kreacher bowed once more and took the trunk and Dobby's hand and disapprated.

"Alright, let's get going!" Katherine said. She grabbed her son's hand and stepped into the fireplace with Floo Powder. "London King's Cross Station!"

Katherine felt a jolt and quickly arrived at the train station. She led her son out of the fireplace and to where the rest of her family was. Katherine smiled when she saw Teddy talking to Fred.

"Hi, Teddy," Katherine said as she hugged the blue-haired boy.

"Hello, Aunt Kari!" the boy exclaimed. "How are you doing?"

"I'm great!" Katherine smiled. "How about you?"

"Good. Actually, I was just looking for Victoire," Teddy said. "Have you seen her?"

"She's probably at the platform," Katherine replied.

"Okay, thank you," Teddy said while walking away. "Love you guys!"

"Love you too!" Katherine called. She turned to Kreacher and smiled. "I need you to take roll call, Kreacher."

The house-elf smiled and quickly stood straight and saluted. Katherine didn't usually do roll call, but Kreacher seemed to love it. So, whenever the family went out with Kreacher, Katherine assigned him with the duty.

"Line up!" Kreacher demanded. The kids did as he said. "Fredrick Sirius?"

"Here," the ginger said, puffing his chest out.

The girl next to him scoffed. "Merlin, you are such a Gryffindor."

"Oh, don't be jealous, Mary," Fred teased.

"Puh-lease!" Mary rolled her eyes. "I could never be jealous of you!"

"If I were you, I would be. I would rather die than be in Ravenclaw," Fred snickered.

"You little—"

"Both of you, stop!" Katherine said. "Let Kreacher resume."

Kreacher walked up to the girl "Mary Marlene?"

"I'm here," Mary sighed.

"Nymphadora Molly?"

"Present!" the redhead excitedly said.

"Regulus Cedric?"

"Here!" Regulus exclaimed and gave Kreacher a high-five. "Good job Kreacher!"

"Alright, now let's get to the platform," George said.

Fred mumbled something under his breath and ran between Platforms nine and ten. The girls went together, and then the elves. George took Regulus' trunk and walked through the wall. Katherine grabbed Regulus' hand and ran through the wall. The train whistle blew, assuring Katherine they were on Platform 9 ¾. She joined the rest of her family and Harry, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione. Regulus tugged on her hand, motioning her to kneel down.

"What's wrong?" Katherine asked.

"What House do you think I'll be in?" Regulus questioned.

"Hopefully, Gryffindor like Fred and me," Nymphadora flashed a smirk.

"Mary said Gryffindors have big egos," Regulus frowned.

"Don't listen to your siblings," Katherine said, turning his face back to hers. "If I had to pick, I think you would be sorted into Hufflepuff."

"Like you and Cedric?" Regulus asked.

"Yes," Katherine chuckled. "Now go get a compartment with Rose and Albus!"

Katherine kissed his cheek and watched George help the boy get his trunk onto the train. She hugged both of her daughters and then turned to her oldest child, who was talking to Ron and George with a mischievous smile.

"Freddie, get over here and kiss your Mum goodbye!" Katherine said. Fred tilted his head and smiled as he walked over to his mother. He wrapped her in a bear hug and picked her up off the ground.

"Bye Mum," Fred said.

"Oh, I love you!" Katherine said with her hands on his cheeks. "Please, watch over Reggie and no getting in trouble!"

"Mum, that's impossible!" he whined. "James, Teddy, and I have this thing planned, and it's going to blow everyone's socks off!"

Katherine pursed her lips. "Fred."

"Mum," he smirked.

"I mean it!" Katherine said. "Promise me you won't get in trouble, Fred."

He kissed Katherine's cheek and looked behind him to see the train was starting to move. Fred ran to the stairs of the train and grabbed the railing. "Can't make any promises!"

Katherine watched the train roll away in disbelief. Laughing, George put his arm around her shoulder. "That boy's gonna get a Howler."

"Oh, don't do that, Kari," Ron said from behind her. "Take it from me. It's really embarrassing."

"That's the point, Ron!" Kari said. She turned back to the tracks and saw the train was gone entirely. Sighing, Katherine walked with George to Kreacher and Dobby. "So, what do you boys want for lunch?"

"Dobby would like pancakes!" the elf squeaked.

Katherine looked at Kreacher. "Is that okay, Kreacher?"

"Yes," Kreacher smiled.

"Alright," Katherine smiled. "Let's go home."

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