Chapter 75

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"Kari!" Ginny yelled as Katherine and George walked into Aunt Muriel's house. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, George and I were at the Tonks,' and I wanted to come here," she replied as Ginny hugged her.

"That's right, the baby! What's it look like, and what's its name?" Ginny questioned. Katherine sat on the couch with Ginny, George, Fred, Molly, and Arthur joining.

"Well, his name is Ted after Tonks' father, and he is adorable!" Katherine exclaimed. "Teddy is a metamorphmagus and looks just like Remus, but he has Tonks cute nose. The best part is that I'm his godmother!"

"Oh, that's amazing, dear!" Molly said.

"Ugh, lucky!" Ginny said.

"Don't worry, Gin," Katherine whispered to her. "I'll make you godmother to one of my kids."

Ginny bit her lip in excitement. "Wonderful!"

"Now, where's my grandpa?" Katherine asked.

"He's still sleeping," Arthur said. "As soon as he wakes up, I'll tell you."

"Thank you, Arthur," Katherine smiled.

"What is all the yelling for?" a grumpy voice said from the stairs. Katherine turned to see an old woman who was frowning. "Who are you?"

"I'm Katherine—"

"Oh, one of the twins' fiance," Aunt Muriel huffed. "Stand up and walk over to me."

Katherine looked at George with a 'help me' look. George shrugged his shoulders, so she got up and made her way to Aunt Muriel. The woman looked like she smelt something bad as she looked Katherine up and down. Katherine nervously looked back at the Weasleys and noticed Molly and Arthur weren't there anymore. Fred had a smirk on his face while George and Ginny seemed genuinely worried.

"Hmm, you could lose some of that fat," Aunt Muriel said as she pinched Katherine's side. "You have a pretty face, but makeup could do wonders. And—"

"Alright, that's enough," George said as he walked to Katherine's side.

Aunt Muriel pinched her eyebrows and crossed her arms. She took one more look at Katherine and then walked away. Katherine sighed and turned to George and the others. Fred looked like he was trying to hold in a laugh. Ginny seemed to see what he was doing and smacked the back of his head.

"Well, that was nice," Katherine nervously chuckled.

"You're lucky," George said. "She has said much worse to other people."

"I feel sorry for them," Katherine said as she watched the old lady pour a cup of tea. "Why is she so bitter?"

"I don't know," Ginny said, walking up to the couple. "Dad reckons it's because of her old age, but I think she's an old hag because she had a bad experience in the love department. If you know what I mean."

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