Chapter 77

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"Get down!" Harry shouted as curses flew through the air.

Katherine stood in her spot and stared at Fred's body. He wasn't dead. He was just asleep. Katherine kept telling herself those things. Percy covered Fred's body, making Katherine panic. She needed to see him and see that he was okay, so Katherine ran to Percy and tried to pry his arms off him. Percy didn't move and still covered his brother.

"GET OFF, PERCY!" Katherine screamed. "I NEED TO SEE HIM!"

Percy didn't listen, but Harry started to shout. "Percy, Katherine, come on, we've got to move! Percy! Kari!"

Ron grabbed Percy, but still, he didn't budge. Harry went for Katherine and easily picked her up. "NO! LET ME GO! I NEED TO SEE IF FRED'S OKAY!"

"Fred is dead!" Harry shouted as he held her shoulders. Katherine's eyes softened, and she looked at Percy, who was still holding Fred.

"Fred's dead," Katherine whispered. Her legs failed her, and she fell to the ground and started to bawl.

Hermione let out a scream, making Harry turn away from Katherine. He saw an enormous spider. Ron and Harry shouted spells at the insect, and it vanished, but that wasn't the last of dueling. Death Eaters came from the Forbidden Forest, causing Harry to seize Fred's body and drag him somewhere safe. Percy got himself together and helped with Ron carrying Katherine. By the time Harry found a spot for Fred's body, Katherine had calmed down and stopped crying. Harry started to run after Hermione and Ron.

"ROOKWOOD!" Percy yelled as he saw the man responsible for his brother's death.

Percy grabbed Katherine's hand and sprinted to the Death Eater, who was battling a couple of students. Percy shot spell after spell at the tall man, but he quickly blocked them. Rookwood sent a spell making Percy fly back, leaving Katherine with the man. Katherine glared at the Death Eater and started to shoot spells at Rookwood. The two were going back and forth, and Katherine could tell Rookwood was getting tired.

"Expelliarmus!" Rookwood's wand flew out of his hand, leaving him defenseless. Katherine smiled and slowly walked towards him. "This is for Freddie — Crucio!"

The Death Eater started to squirm, but no screams came out of his mouth. He must've learned how to deal with torture from Voldemort. This made Katherine angrier, and she put more force into the spell. Rookwood started to scream, and Katherine smirked. He needed to know what pain felt like. Katherine wanted to hear his screams and pain on his face, but she was stopped by a cold voice that started to speak.

"You have fought," the voice said, "valiantly. Lord Voldemort knows how to value bravery. Yet you have sustained heavy losses. If you continue to resist me, you will all die, one by one. I do not wish this to happen. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a loss and a waste. Lord Voldemort is merciful. I command my forces to retreat immediately. You have one hour. Dispose of your dead with dignity. Treat your injured.

"I speak now, Harry Potter, directly to you. You have permitted your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. I shall wait for one hour in the Forbidden Forest. If, at the end of that hour, you have not come to me, have not given yourself up, the battle commences. This time, I shall enter the fray myself, Harry Potter, shall I find you, and I shall punish every last man, woman, and child who has tried to conceal you from me. One hour."

Katherine looked to Rookwood but saw that he was gone. She let out a frustrated scream and looked at Percy, who was stumbling back up. Katherine ran to him and hugged him. Percy took a second to comprehend what was going on but eventually hugged her back.

"Let's go get F-Fred," Percy said sadly.

Katherine nodded and took his hand as they walked to the place Harry placed Fred. Percy picked up his body and walked to the Great Hall. Katherine cringed at all the crying and bodies that were lying on the floor. She looked straight ahead and spotted the Weasley family, who were all hugging each other and smiling. Katherine knew that wouldn't last for long. George was the first to look at Katherine. He smiled, but that quickly disappeared when he noticed Percy behind her. George collapsed and started to sob, causing the rest of the Weasleys to turn around.

Fleur's face paled, and she took hold of Bill's hand, who was staring wide-eyed at Fred's body. Molly buried her face into Arthur's shoulder and started to cry. Arthur stared at the body and cried as well. Ginny and Charlie were the last ones to see what everyone was crying about, but they ran to Percy when they did. He laid Fred's body on a white cloth on the ground, allowing Ginny to sob over his body.

Katherine watched the Weasleys crowd Fred's body. Molly let go of Arthur and joined Ginny on the ground. George sat in a ball with his head in his knees. Ginny got up and flung her arms around Katherine. The ginger cried in Katherine's arms, making Katherine cry with her. They stood there like that for a couple of minutes until Ginny gasped, causing Katherine to turn around. Her heart stopped when she saw Madam Pomfrey set down two bodies.

"Kari?" Ginny sniffed.

Tonks and Remus were lying on the ground, holding hands. Katherine lost it and started to wail. She couldn't take it anymore. Too many people had died at the hands of Voldemort and his Death Eaters. It was unfair! Fred was too young, and Remus and Tonks were new parents. Now Teddy was an orphan. Just a few days after his birth, he was parentless.

Katherine crawled to Tonks' body and cried into her shirt. Ginny knelt beside her and cried while rubbing Katherine's back. Suddenly, Katherine felt her hand disappear. She looked up and saw the trio walking into the Great Hall. Katherine could see the pain and guilt on Harry's face. It made her want to run and hug him, but she couldn't because she had to stay with Tonks. Katherine turned to Tonks and brushed the matted hair out of her face. Katherine felt a knot form in her stomach and tried to hold back the tears that were returning, but it was no use. They just came out.

"Katherine?" a sweet voice said. Katherine turned around and saw Madam Pomfrey. "I need to check your head."

Katherine nodded and let Madam Pomfrey lead her away from Tonks and Remus. She sat on the ground and let the nurse start to wrap her head. Katherine looked at Fred's body and saw that Angelina was now kneeling over him, crying hard. She looked away, not wanting to see any more pain and suffering. Just as Madam Pomfrey finished fixing her up, someone sat next to her. Katherine looked and saw it was Luna. The girl gave Katherine a weak smile and took her hand.

Katherine felt some relief and let out a sigh of relief. The comfort that she was feeling shortly vanished as Oliver Wood walked in with a small body in his arms. Katherine's mouth hung open at the sight of little Colin Creevy. She scrunched her nose and covered her mouth in an attempt to stop tears from coming out again. Luna hugged Katherine, distracting her from the body. Katherine took a breath and hugged her back. Luna was sitting here, comforting a person she barely knew. The only time the two had contact was in the Department of Mysteries and the Shell Cottage.

"Thank you, Luna," Katherine whispered.

"Oh, you're welcome," Luna said in an airy voice. The girl let go of Katherine and looked around. "I think you should go talk to George. It looks like he needs you."

Katherine smiled in response and hugged the girl one last time before walking to George. He was still sitting on the floor, but now he was next to Fred's body. Katherine knelt in front of him and lifted his head, so he was looking at her. George's eyes were red and puffy, and his face looked broken. Katherine's heart broke seeing him like this. George's usual mischievous smile was now replaced with an upsetting frown.

"Fred's dead," George hoarsely whispered. Katherine's eyes watered, and her lip began to quiver.

"Yea," she breathed. George pulled Katherine into his arms as they cried together.

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