Chapter 31

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Harry opened the door to Snape's office and let Katherine walk through first. Katherine took in the room; it was dark, like everything about Snape. Dozens of jars were placed on shelves. The jars contained parts of animals and plants, probably for potion ingredients. Harry looked at a corner of the room and gazed at the supplies. At the same time, the pair looked at a silver bowl that was Dumbledore's Pensieve.

"Shut the door behind you, Potter."

Harry did what Snape said with a frown on his face. Katherine knew how uncomfortable Harry was when Snape was around. The professor was unnecessarily rude to the boy for no reason. Katherine sat in a chair next to Harry and across from Snape.

"Well, Potter, Ollivander, you know why you are here," he said. "The headmaster has asked me to teach you, Potter Occlumency, and you, Ollivander, to test your limits with Occlumency. I can only hope that you prove more adept at it than Potions, Potter."

"Right," Harry said tersely.

"This may not be an ordinary class, Potter, but I am still your teacher, and you will therefore call me 'sir' or 'Professor' at all times," Snape narrowed his eyes as he talked to Harry.

Snape and Harry went back and forth for a while. The professor got angry when Harry called Voldemort by his name. When they finished, Snape explained Occlumency and how it works. Snape turned to Katherine and waved her to a chair in the middle of the room. Pointing his wand, Snape said the Legilimency spell. Katherine saw memories fly before her eyes. Memories of George, her mother, and Sirius. She closed her eyes and felt the sensation of the mind-reading spell stop. Katherine opened her eyes and looked at Snape.

"How'd I do?" Katherine asked.

"Fine for your first time," Snape said dryly. "I'm going to do it again, and this time you will stop me from doing it at all."

Katherine clenched the chair's sides and waited for her professor to cast the spell. When he did, Katherine saw a flash of George before closing her eyes, making the memories stop. Snape cast the spell a few more times. Each time she saw a quick flash of George before stopping Snape from going any farther. Snape dismissed Katherine after a while, leaving Harry to deal with the greasy-haired man all by himself.


It was Valentine's day, meaning George and Katherine were getting couple time. The Hufflepuff excitedly slid on a red skin-tight sweater dress with black stockings and black knee boots. Katherine applied lipgloss and mascara and sprayed vanilla perfume on herself. Satisfied with her look, Katherine raced to the carriages to be shipped to Hogsmeade. Katherine and George had decided to meet at Madam Puddifoot's.

Katherine entered and saw the red and pink hearts floating around. Miniature cupids flew around with bows in hand. Katherine laughed at the cuteness that surrounded her. She looked around and saw George sitting in a booth looking at a newspaper. Katherine walked to him and covered his eyes from behind.

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