Chapter 5

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It was the day for the first task. After Cedric finished his breakfast, Professor Sprout led him somewhere. Katherine figured it was where all the champions had to meet before the task. As Katherine ate, she looked at Harry, who was visibly nervous. Professor McGonagall walked over to Harry and ushered him away. Katherine started to worry even more. Harry was only fourteen, and he had to face a dragon. Katherine closed her eyes and took deep breaths to calm herself down.

George watched Katherine close her eyes and breathed in and out. He watched the way her lips moved. George didn't seem to notice when Katherine opened her eyes and saw him staring. Katherine felt herself blush and smiled, causing George to look up; she waved and laughed as she saw George's cheeks turn the color of his hair. George smiled and was about to wave, but Fred pushed him off his seat. Katherine clutched her chest as she laughed. She looked at Fred, who was laughing as well, but his face disappeared from Katherine's view when George pulled him to the floor. Katherine started to laugh even harder.

The twins shot up with frowns on their faces and looked at the laughing Hufflepuff. Her eyes were shut as she laughed at the twins. Fred and George looked at each other and shared a mischievous smile. They ran over to Katherine and stood on the side of her. Fred stuck up his fingers, counted down to one, and screamed in her ears, causing Katherine to jump up and fall off of the bench. She looked at the twins and laughed. Once George stopped snorting, he held his hand out to help her up. Katherine thanked him and took it.

"Are you done eating?" George asked. Katherine nodded in response. "Good! Me and Freddie were going to walk to the stands. Wanna join?"

"Sure! Is Charlie going to be there?" Katherine questioned.

"Why? You have a thing for Charlie?" Fred frowned.

"What! No! I just-" George's laughter cut off Katherine.

"I was just joking!" Fred laughed. Katherine blushed at her stupidity and looked at her feet.

"Now, let's go! I don't want to keep Mum and Charlie waiting," George grabbed her hand and led her near the forest where the stands were. A short red-headed woman waved the twins over. Next to her was another redhead with an insane amount of freckles plastered on his face and huge muscles. Kathrine assumed it was the twins, Mum, and brother.

"Oh, Fred! George!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed. She kissed Fred and went to kiss George, but stopped. Mrs. Weasley looked at the hand holding going on between her son and the girl. "What's your name, darling?"

"Katherine Ollivander. It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Weasley!" Katherine answered, taking her free hand and shaking the hand of the twins mum.

"Oh! George has talked about you in his letters! Are you two dating?" Mrs. Weasley asked, looking between the two. George looked horrified at what his mother just said.

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