Chapter 40

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"George, do you think this is too much?" Katherine asked, walking out of their bedroom. She had on a flowy green dress with brown knee boots.

    "You look beautiful," George said, eyeing her up and down. "Are you sure you have to go to the dinner?"

    "Yes, George," Katherine laughed. She sat next to George and kissed him. "I love you."

    "I love you too," George chuckled as he deepened the kiss. Katherine pulled away and gave him one last kiss before getting up and grabbing her wand. "Please don't go!"

    "Stop it!" Katherine smiled. "I'll be back before you know it. Why don't you invite Lee over so you, Fred, and he can catch up."

    Before George could respond, Tonks appeared behind the entrance of the loft. George groaned and slumped into the couch as Tonks greeted him. Tonks raised her eyebrows at Katherine, asking what that was about.

    "He doesn't want me to go anywhere," Katherine said.

    "Aw, how cute," Tonks laughed. "Well, are you ready to go?"

    Katherine nodded in response, grabbing Tonks' hand. The metamorphmagus apparated the two to her childhood home. It was a lovely wooden cottage that let off a homey feeling. Tonks led Katherine inside, and the homey feel amplified when Katherine saw family pictures pinned on the walls. Tiny Tonks was adorable with her ever-changing hair.

    Tonks led Katherine to a room with a small table and chairs, most likely the dining room. Katherine could smell the tomato sauce from the next room. Tonks opened the door and gestured to Katherine to walk in. She walked into the room and saw the back of a brunette woman hovering over an oven. Tonks cleared her throat, making the woman turn around.

    "Oh hello, Katherine!" the woman exclaimed. She rushed to Katherine and gave her a big and tight hug.

    "Hi," Katherine nervously chuckled. She wasn't expecting Tonks' mom to be this excited to see her.

    "Mum, let go. I think you're suffocating her," Tonks laughed.

    "Sorry," the woman said. "Silly me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Andromeda, but please call me Dromeda."

    "You can call me Kari," Katherine smiled.

    "Oh good!" Andromeda clapped; she turned to check the food wasn't burning. "You two can go to the living room. Dinner will be ready shortly, and Dora, get your Dad, please."

    Tonks led Katherine to the living room. Tonks reassured Katherine she would be back; she had to get her Dad. Katherine nodded and looked around. Again, pictures were plastered on the walls and furniture. One picture caught Katherine's eye. It was above the fireplace and under the muggle television. Katherine smiled once she realized who was in the picture: Sirius, Andromeda, and Regulus. Andromeda looked around sixteen. Sirius and Regulus were young teenagers.

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