Chapter 53

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 "So, all in all, not one of Ron's better birthdays?" Fred said.

While at the Burrow, Molly got a letter from Hogwarts saying he was poisoned. Luckily, Harry was there and saved Ron. Ron was the only patient in the infirmary. His bed was surrounded by Katherine, Ginny, Hermione, Harry, and the twins. Slughorn, Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Pomfrey were outside the ward, most likely talking about the incident.

"What exactly happened, Harry?" George asked. He and Fred were bummed that their surprise gift went sour.

Harry began to tell the story he had already told other people several times. He and Ron had gone to Slughorn's office to cure Ron of a love potion. After he was cured, Slughorn offered the boys a bottle of mead that contained some kind of poison. Harry got a bezoar and stuck it down Ron's throat while Slughorn got help. McGonagall and Pomfrey came and ushered Ron to the infirmary.

"Blimey, it was lucky you thought of a bezoar," George said as he looked at his unconscious brother.

"Lucky there was one in the room," Harry sighed.

"Do Mum and Dad know?" Fred asked.

"Yea, I came with them when we got the news," Katherine answered. "We got here an hour ago. Right now, they're talking with Dumbledore."

They began to talk about the poison and how it could've gotten in the bottle. There were many assumptions, but Fred seemed to think that Slughorn was a Death Eater. Ginny and Harry came to the professor's defense. Harry told everyone what Dumbledore had told him about Slughorn over the summer. The professor wasn't keen on Voldemort's beliefs and refused him many times. Suddenly, Ron started to mumble words.

"Er-my-nee," Ron mumbled.

The kids all turned to Ron. Katherine smirked at Ron, knowing exactly what he said. She looked at Hermione, who was holding Ron's pale hand. Then, the door swung open, revealing Hagrid. He began to talk about his pet spider that lived in the forest. Hagrid turned his topic of conversation to Ron. They all tried to see who was going around and trying to kill people.

The conversation stopped when the doors opened again. Molly and Arthur rushed into the room. When Molly's eyes landed on Harry, she ran to Harry and continuously thanked him for saving not only Ron but Arthur and Ginny. Katherine figured she would leave the Weasleys alone with their son and explore the castle for old time's sake. When Katherine exited the infirmary, she saw a stout older man who looked pale in the face.

"Excuse me, sir," Katherine said, seemingly interrupting his thoughts. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, yes. I'm fine," he looked up and furrowed his eyebrows at the girl who he didn't recognize. "I'm sorry, but who are you?"

"Katherine," she smiled. "I presume you're the new Potions professor, Slughorn?"

"Yes, I am," his perplexed face turned into a smile. "You're Regulus' daughter, aren't you?"

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