Chapter 67

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Katherine picked up Kreacher and sprinted inside. She didn't need any Death Eaters spotting her and reporting to Voldemort. When Katherine burst through the door, she saw no one was on the first floor. She put Kreacher down and searched each room and found no one besides the ghoul disguised as Ron. Katherine went back downstairs after searching for about fifteen minutes. Katherine began to worry.

Arthur was most likely at work, but Molly should've been at the Burrow. Katherine took deep breaths as she walked down the steps when she realized she was panicking. She reached the first floor and didn't see Kreacher anymore. Katherine whipped out her wand and walked to the living room. No one was there, so she went to the kitchen. When she heard a noise, Katherine jumped out and pointed her wand at whoever was in the room.

"Katherine?" Molly said. Katherine sighed and put her wand down when she saw it was only Molly. Kreacher was in the corner, glaring at the woman.

Katherine ran to the woman and hugged her. "Thank Merlin. When I saw you weren't here, I got worried. Where were you?"

"I was in the back, getting those silly garden gnomes," Molly replied. "Where have you been?"

"I was at Grimmauld Place with Harry, Hermione, and Ron," Katherine said.

"Did you see the news? They broke into the Ministry!" Molly shouted. "How stupid could they be? They could've gotten caught!"

"Molly, calm down," Katherine chuckled. "They escaped. That's good, am I right?"

Molly huffed. "Well, yes, I guess that's fine. Why are you back here? Shouldn't you still be at Grimmauld?"

"Somehow, Yaxley apparated into the house," Molly gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. "Don't worry. He didn't see me. I got Kreacher and me out before that could happen. Speaking of him. Kreacher, come here, please."

"What can Kreacher do for Katherine?" he asked, walking to her.

"Kreacher, I want you to find Dobby. He's another House-elf and works in the Hogwarts kitchen. I want you to stay there, okay?" Katherine said. "It's for your safety."

"Okay," Kreacher nodded his head. "Kreacher will go to Hogwarts."

"Alright," Katherine smiled. "Now, give me a hug."

Katherine opened her arms, and Kreacher slowly walked into them. She hugged him tightly and rubbed his back. Before Kreacher disapparated, Katherine kissed him on the forehead. Kreacher stepped back, snapped his fingers, and vanished. Katherine took a deep breath and turned back to Molly, who had a confused look on her face.

"Long story," Katherine laughed. "So where's George and Fred?"

"At the loft," Molly answered.

"Oh good!" Katherine exclaimed. "I can't wait to see them!"

"Katherine, you can't," Molly said with sad eyes.

"Why not?" Katherine asked.

"We're being watched," Molly explained. "You can't stay here either for too long. I really wish you could, but you just can't."

"Okay," Katherine gave a sad smile. "Do you have any idea where I can go?"

"I'll send you to Bill and Fleur's shell cottage," Molly said. "Go get some clothes to bring and any other stuff you'll need. I'll take you in thirty minutes."

Katherine did as Molly said and packed her things. Clothes, toothbrush, shoes, hairbrush, and more. When Katherine stuffed her belongings into a bag, she went downstairs and grabbed Molly's hand. The woman apparated, and within a few seconds, they landed on a sandy beach. Katherine looked at her surroundings and felt a sudden calmness.

The smell and sounds of the beach water crashing onto the shore made Katherine smile. She put her bag down and made her way to the water. Rolling up the bottom of her jeans, Katherine stuck her feet in the water and let the wind blow her hair. She realized how warm it was. It was probably going to be one of the last few days that the sun would be shining and the weather would be this nice. Katherine made a mental note to go swimming one of these days.

"Katherine, let's get you inside and situated!" Molly called.

Katherine ran to grab her bag and followed Molly inside the cottage. It was beautiful and very aesthetically pleasing. Shells hung on the outside wooden columns, and the white shutters complimented the blue door greatly. Katherine entered the house and saw Bill sitting in the kitchen/dining room. When Bill saw Katherine and his mother, his mouth fell open because he hadn't expected to see Katherine. She was supposed to be in hiding.

"What are you doing here?" Bill asked as he hugged Katherine.

"I had to leave my hiding place. A Death Eater found me," Katherine explained.

"So she will be staying here," Molly smiled. The woman took her bag and rushed upstairs.

"Well, um, only if I can stay here," Katherine said.

"Kari, of course, you can stay!" Bill exclaimed. "Fleur will be thrilled when she sees you here. She—"

"Is it true! Is Kari really 'ere?" a voice yelled from upstairs. In a matter of minutes, the person that the voice belonged to came downstairs. "Oh, Kari! It's so good to see you!"

"Hi, Fleur," Katherine chuckled.

Fleur embraced Katherine and began to talk about what happened after the wedding. After a while, Molly came down and said her goodbyes and disapparated to the Burrow. Bill began to make dinner while Katherine and Fleur continued to talk. Fleur told Katherine about her family having to disapparate when the Death Eaters came.

"My father said he didn't want to leave. 'e wanted to 'elp, but I told 'im no. I could not risk anyone getting 'urt, especially Gabrielle. When 'e finally agreed, 'e grabbed my mother and Gabrielle and disapparated," Fleur sadly said.

"Fleur's family came to visit us last week," Bill said, putting plates in front of the girls.

"Thank you, Bill," Katherine smiled. "So, what did you all do when they came?"

Fleur happily described her family's stay at the cottage. When Fleur finished her story, she asked Katherine what she had been up to. Katherine told Fleur about Grimmauld Place, Kreacher, the trio, and much more. She told Fleur about Tonks' pregnancy, which made the French girl jump and down. During their conversation, Katherine learned Fleur loved babies.

Fleur wanted three of her own. Bill was happy Fleur wanted a family. He always dreamed of having children. When Katherine stayed with the Weasleys for the first time, she and Bill had gotten quite close. He confided in her about his dreams for the future, which included having kids. Bill agreed with Fleur on having three kids. He wanted two girls and a boy. Bill said he had enough boys in the family, and more girls would be a blessing.

"'Ave you and George talked about kids?" Fleur asked.

"No, we haven't," Katherine sighed. "We haven't even talked that much about our wedding. All we know is that the wedding will be after Voldemort is defeated."

"Well, 'ow many kids would you want?" asked Fleur

Katherine smiled. "Probably four. Yea, definitely four."

"Two of each?" Bill questioned.

"Yea," Katherine smiled, just thinking about her future with George. Four kids, running the joke shop, Katherine hopefully working with animals, and all of them living in a nice house in the countryside.

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