Chapter 60

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"Harry!" Katherine fell through the doorway of 4 Privet Drive and wrapped Harry into a big hug. "It's great to see you!"

    "It's great to see you too!" Harry chuckled.

    Katherine walked into the bare room next to the entrance while everyone else came in. George and Fred stood next to her and watched Moody stand in front of them. Moody began talking about the Trace and how Pius Thickneesse went to the dark side. He spoke about the places we would travel to reach their Portkeys, and Harry started to get confused. After Moody explained better, he pulled out a flask of Polyjuice Potion.

    "No!" Harry protested. "No way!"

    "I told them you'd take it like this," Hermione crossed her arms.

    "If you think I', going to let six people risk their lives—"

    "—because it's the first time for all of us," Ron said.

    "This is different, pretending to be me—"

    "None of us really fancy it, Harry," Fred butt in. "imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck as specky, scrawny gits forever."

    Katherine let out a little laugh, but Harry didn't seem amused.

    "You can't do it if I don't cooperate, you need me to give you some hair."

    "Well, that's that plan scuppered," George said. "Obviously, there's no chance at all of us getting a bit of your hair unless you cooperate."

    "Yea, thirteen of us against one bloke who's not allowed to use magic; we've got a chance," Fred said.

    "Funny," Harry said dryly. "Really amusing."

    "If it has to come to force, then it will," Moody growled, and he glared at Harry. "Everyone here's overage, Potter, and they're all prepared to take the risk."

    Harry and Moody continued to argue. Katherine looked at George with a smile and rose to kiss his cheek. George returned the smile and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. When Harry finally agreed, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Fleur, and Katherine lined up to take the potion. The flask was passed around, with Katherine being the third person to take a sip.

    Instantly, Katherine felt herself grow, and her hair shorten. Her face began to move, making Katherine feel like bugs were moving inside of her skin. Katherine looked at Hermione and Fleur, who was drastically changing as well. Katherine had never taken Polyjuice before, and after this, she planned on never drinking the potion again. She looked around and smiled when she saw several Harrys.

    Fred and George looked at each other in amazement. "Wow—we're identical!"

    "I dunno, though, I think I'm still better-looking," Fred said as he looked at his reflection through a kettle.

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