Chapter 27

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"So you're telling me that Harry had a dream and about Arthur getting hurt by a snake?" Katherine questioned. Everyone nodded in response. Katherine looked at Harry, who had his head hung low. "This snake is Voldemort's, and you have a connection to him?"

    "Yup," George said.

    "That's crazy," Katherine rubbed her temples. "When do we get to see Arthur?"

    "We already visited him, but he gets to come home on Christmas," Fred replied.

    Katherine nodded and walked out of the room. She knew Harry felt terrible about everything. He looked miserable. Something else was on Harry's mind, and she was going to find out. Katherine walked into the kitchen. Tonks was sitting by herself while eating bacon.

    "Hello, Tonks!" Katherine smiled, sitting next to the metamorphmagus.

    "Hello, cousin!" Tonks smirked.

    "What?" Katherine questioned.

    "Oh shoot! I forgot my name isn't on the lovely family tree," Tonks said sarcastically. "My mother was Andromeda Black, now Tonks."

    "Yeah, I saw her name on the wall, but it was burnt like Sirius'," Katherine frowned. "What happened?"

    "My mum married a Muggle-born," Tonks laughed. "We're sort of twins!"

    "Yeah," Katherine laughed at Tonks' joke.

    "So, how are you and George?" Tonks wiggled her eyebrows. Katherine laughed at Tonks' actions. She never realized how funny the fellow Hufflepuff was. "Have you said those three words?"

    "We are really good, and yes, we have," Katherine smiled, thinking about her lover.

    "Ahhh. Have you done the deed?" Tonks questioned while her hair turned light blue.

    "Tonks!" Katherine felt her cheeks turn red.

    "Sorry," Tonks laughed. "But seriously, have you?"

    "Stop asking that question," Katherine giggled.

    "Ohh, so you have," Tonks teasingly pushed her shoulder.

    "What about you, Tonks?" Katherine smirked. "Met anyone special?"

    Nymphadora looked at the floor as her cheeks flushed. Her hair turned purple, which Katherine recognized as the color of love. Katherine gasped, causing Tonks to look up. She pinched her eyebrows together in confusion and looked at a shocked Katherine.

    "What?" Tonks asked.

    "You do like someone!" Katherine exclaimed.

    "What makes you say that?" Tonks' eyes widened.

    "Your hair is telling me everything!" Katherine pointed out. Tonks blushed once again. "Who is it?"

    "I can't tell you," Tonks quietly said. Katherine noticed her cousin's demeanor change. She pulled Tonks' into a hug.

    "Okay, you can tell me when you're ready," Katherine softly said.

    "Thank you," Tonks mumbled.

    Katherine looked at the door and noticed two people peering in. It was Remus and Sirius. Remus looked upset as he looked at Tonks, while Sirius looked between his friend and cousin. Katherine tilted her head in confusion. Sirius' eyes shot at Remus and Tonks and raised his eyebrows. Katherine understood now. Tonks was in love with Remus.


    Katherine laid on the bed she shared with George. She watched George's chest rise and fall as she slept. Smiling, Katherine kissed his cheek and got up. Katherine went to the kitchen to make a cup of hot chocolate. The girl was surprised when she the House-elf, Kreacher, rummaging through the cabinets.

    "Hi, Kreacher," Katherine sweetly said. The house-elf jumped at the sound of her voice and hit his head. Kreacher muttered something while rubbing his head and looking at Katherine.

    "What do you want?" Kreacher spat. "Your dirty blood messed up the Black family,"

    "Kreacher, you're bleeding," Katherine pointed out, ignoring the insult he had just thrown her way. "Come here and let me help you."

    "No!" Kreacher quickly said.

    "Please, it's starting to drip onto the floor. I don't want for you to have to clean it up," Katherine said. The House-elf hesitantly nodded.

    Katherine grabbed a towel and wet it. She gently wiped the blood. When she finished cleaning the blood, Katherine dabbed at the wound. Katherine casted the Accio spell for a band-aid. The bandage flew in the air and into the girl's hand. Katherine finished helping Kreacher when she applied the band-aid to his head.

    "All done!" Katherine happily said.

    "Thank you," Kreacher silently said. He looked like he was thinking about something. "Are you really Master Regulus' child?"

    "Yes," Katherine answered. "Would it be okay if you tell me about my Dad?"

    "Hmm," Kreacher looked around before nodding his head. "Master Regulus was my favorite. He always treated Kreacher with kindness and respect. Master saved Kreacher from the Dark Lord."

    "Wow," that was all Katherine managed to say. The Hufflepuff kissed the House-elf's head. "Thank you very much, Kreacher."

    Kreacher nodded and walked away, mumbling under his breath. When he reached the door, he turned back to Katherine, who was smiling. Katherine could've sworn she saw the elf's mouth twitch up, but he quickly left. Katherine smiled at the fact her Dad did something good. She was now determined to clear her father's name. She would do whatever it took.

    Grabbing the hot chocolate powder, Katherine turned the stove on and poured milk into a pot. When the time was right, she poured the powder into the pot. Finally finished, Katherine blew on the hot liquid she had put in a coffee mug. The hot chocolate soothed Katherine's soul. Suddenly the kitchen door creaked open.

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