Chapter 13

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"Do you think she'll wake up soon?" a voice asked.

    "George, it's only been a few hours. You have to give her some time," A girl said.

    Katherine sighed, fluttering her eyes open. She squeezed them shut when the light hit them. Rolling her head over, Katherine squinted her eyes to make out a redhead sitting by her side.

    "George?" Katherine hoarsely said. She felt a hand grasp her own, which made her smile. "Is Harry okay?

    "Yea, he's fine. Just a bit shook up," George said. "How are you feeling."

    "Like crap," Katherine sat up and saw Mad-Eye lying unconscious on a bed in front of her. "What's he doing here?"

    "Shhh, it's okay. That's not the man you think it is," George stoked Katherine's cheek, making her calm down.

    George explained the whole Barty Crouch Jr. and Mad-Eye situation. Dumbledore was going to have him transferred to St. Mungos as soon as possible. Harry was on the bed next to Katherine. She smiled as she saw the Weasley family, but she also saw a dark-haired man. Katherine recognized him from wanted posters. It was Sirius Black!

    "Oh, Merlin! It's Sirius Black!" Kathrine shouted. Everyone whipped their heads towards the Hufflepuff and laughed. "What's so funny? We have a murderer in the school!"

    "Love, Sirius is innocent. I know you're probably confused, but I'll explain everything later. You need to get some rest," George gently said.

    "Wait, Cedric. Where's Cedric's-" Katherine couldn't finish her sentence without bursting into tears. Katherine put her hand over her mouth as she recalled Cedric's body on the Quidditch field. "Voldemort's back! Oh no!"

    "Katherine, it'll be okay. I promise!" George kissed her on the cheek several times. "Now go to sleep."


    A month had passed. Katherine stared at the box that contained her best friend. She watched as Amos and a couple of others carried it away. Amos looked exhausted. His under eyes were black, and his face was in a permanent frown. Amos Diggory lost his only son, his only child. Mrs. Diggory walked over to Katherine after talking to Harry. When Mrs. Diggory and Katherine made eye contact, Kathrine couldn't help but tear up. Cedric's mum pulled the broken girl into a hug.

    "He loved you so much, Katherine," She whispered into Katherine's ear. She just nodded.

    Mrs. Diggory walked away to her husband. George called for Katherine, but she didn't hear him. She was zoned out, thinking about everything she and Cedric had been through together. George sighed and walked to his girlfriend and took her hand.

    "Come on, love. It's time to go home," Katherine looked at George and slowly nodded.

    The rest of the Weasley family walked near a fireplace and went back to their house using the Floo Network. Katherine was the last one to step into the fireplace. She took one last glance at Mr. and Mrs. Diggory before throwing the powder and saying:

    "The Burrow!"

    Katherine felt a jolt and appeared in the Weasley household. Harry's bags were near the door. He was leaving tomorrow morning to go back to the Dursleys. She felt terrible for the boy. Katherine about how badly they treated Harry, and it made her want to throw up. Ron was holding a newspaper and scoffed, throwing it to the ground.

    "I can't believe Fudge! That bastard is saying Harry is lying about You-Know-Who's return!" Ron yelled.

    "Ronald Weasley! Watch your mouth!" Mrs. Weasley sent a glare towards her youngest son.

    "Sorry, Mum," Ron mumbled, running upstairs.

    Katherine, George, Fred, and Harry sat at the dining room table and took turns reading the Daily Prophet. Fudge was being ridiculous. Talking about Cedric's death and saying it was an accident! That man had the nerve! He claimed Harry just wanted the spotlight once more. Harry ran upstairs after reading the newspaper. Not long after the door burst open, and in walked Percy. He seemed furious as he stomped over to his Mum and Dad and started to yell at them about Harry's claims.

    Mr. Weasley reprimanded his son for yelling at his mother and for working with a man like Cornelius Fudge. Percy glared at the twins and Kathrine. At this point, Mrs. Weasley was crying. Katherine felt horrible about the way Percy was treating his mum. She shot glares at Percy, who seemed to notice.

    "What the hell are you staring at?" Percy yelled.

    "Who do you think you are yelling at my girlfriend?" George got up and started to walk over to Percy, but Katherine stopped him.

    "He's not worth it, George," Katherine stroked the top of his hand with her thumb.

    George looked at his girlfriend and sat back down. Percy and Mr. Weasley went at it for a bit longer until Percy stormed out of the house. Mrs. Weasley started to cry even harder. Katherine walked over to her and gave her a tight hug. Mrs. Weasley hugged her back, her tears wetting Katherine's sleeve. After a while, the short woman stopped and thanked Kathrine. George, Fred, and Katherine went to the twins' room.

    "I can't believe the nerve of Percy!" Fred groaned, plopping on his bed.

    "I know. The ministry has gotten to his head. He thinks he's all superior being the assistant to that git Fudge!" George scoffed. He laid on his bed with Katherine cuddling him.

    "This year is going to be different, isn't it?" Katherine asked, resting her head on George's chest.

    "No, it won't, but we'll stick together and figure everything out," George sighed.

    "This year will be our final year at Hogwarts! Can you guys believe that?" Fred softly laughed.

    "It felt just like yesterday we were at the train station, boarding for our first year. It's crazy," Katherine breathed. The memories of Cedric and her boarding the Hogwarts Express so many years ago flooded her mind. George noticed and put his arm around her.

    "Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Fred teased, not understanding the actual problem.

    George hoisted himself up and put all his weight on his elbow, so he was looking at Katherine. He stared at his girlfriend, memorizing every single feature that graced her face. Katherine felt herself blush and smiled at him. The little contact with George made Katherine feel better within seconds.

    "Why are you looking at me like that?" Katherine giggled.

    "I just want to see the face of my beautiful girlfriend. You know, take all of it in," George winked.

    Katherine pulled his face down to hers and connected their lips. At first, it was nice and soft, but then it turned rough and passionate. George's tongue pressed against her lips, asking for permission to enter. Katherine opened her mouth and let George explore his mouth. The Hufflepuff got up, making sure not to break the kiss, and straddled her boyfriend. George moaned, making Katherine all hot inside.

    Katherine pulled away from George and started to leave a trail of kisses from his jaw down to his neck. When she reached the spot behind his ear, George moaned again. Katherine giggled and faced George, whose face was red as a tomato.

    "I love you so much," George let out a breath.

    "I love you more!" Katherine pecked his lips once more before laying on his lap.

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