Chapter 56

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"Why do you think Death Eaters haven't attacked Blair again?" Katherine asked Kingsley as they walked the Minister to his car.

Kingsley shrugged. "You never know with them."

"They must be planning something big if they haven't attacked in months," Emmeline pitched in.

"Hopefully not," Katherine sighed.

They got into the car and drove off. Katherine made sure not to look out the windows. Blair began to talk about politics. The only person that was intrigued by the topic was Kingsley. Emmeline and Katherine ignored the two and had a conversation of their own. Emmeline told Katherine about her days at Hogwarts. She was a year older than Mary and the other Gryffindors.

Emmeline told many stories about the mischief the Marauders spread throughout Hogwarts. The pranks they would play on all the teachers and students, the Quidditch matches, the detentions they got from every teacher, and so much more. Just as their conversation ended, the car came to a stop. The wizards got out of the vehicle first to make sure Death Eaters were nowhere near them. Sadly, black mist circled the lot. Katherine ran to the car.

"Minister, tell your driver to take you somewhere safe," Katherine quickly said. Blair just sat there with a panicked expression. "Go! Now!"

Katherine shut the door and watched the car drive away. She joined Kingsley and Emmeline, who were watching the mist turn into Death Eaters. They stood back to back and prepared for what was to come. Before attacking, Katherine looked at the Death Eaters to see who they were. There weren't that many, only five, which was good: the Carrows, Thorfinn Rowle, Gibbon, and Corban Yaxley. Immediately, Emmeline stunned Thorrfin, making the others angry.

"Alarte Ascendare!"

Katherine directed the spell to Gibbon, causing him to fly in the air and fall to the ground rendering him unconscious. Emmeline was taking on Thorfinn and used the blasting charm. Now the only Death Eaters left were the Carrows and Yaxley. Katherine dueled Yaxley because of the advanced experience the Death Eater had with nonverbals. That meant he would have to use verbal spells against her. Yaxley flicked his wand at Katherine, but nothing happened. Katherine laughed as he clenched his jaw.


A large bubble surrounded Yaxley as Katherine cast the jinx. Katherine held her stomach as she watched the man try to stab the bubble with his wand. The only way a bubble could be popped was if the caster let go of the spell or was distracted. It was too bad that Katherine's attention diverted to Emmeline, who smashed into her. Emmeline was limp on the ground, making Katherine check her pulse. She was still breathing.

Katherine turned to Amycus and who was helping Yaxley to her feet. She had to think of something fast. Katherine racked her brain and let out a relieved chuckle when she thought of the perfect spell. She summoned Kingsley, leaving the Death Eaters all next to each other, smiling. Katherine smiled back at them and sent the Cascading Jinx their way. Blue smoke appeared on the tip of Kathrine's wand and attacked the Death Eaters. Katherine grabbed Emmeline and Kingsley and apparated to the Burrow.

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