Chapter 69

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Several weeks passed, and it was November. The twins visited every week with George spending the night a couple of times. Katherine hadn't seen Tonks, which bummed her out, but she was still excited for the baby. The weather got colder with each passing day. That was another thing that made Katherine glum. Now she couldn't swim when she wanted to. Fleur and Katherine got even closer during Katherine's stay at the Shell Cottage.

    Katherine sat on the porch swing and looked at the beautiful view that was right in front of her. Over the months that Katherine stayed at the cottage, the swing became her favorite spot. The smell and sight that it provided made Katherine love it. Most days, Katherine would walk along the shore and collect shells. It was like Ron's obsession with the Chocolate Frog cards. In all, Katherine had twenty shells.

    When Katherine heard a crack, she jumped up and ran to the place the noise came from. Katherine expected George, who hadn't done his weekly visit but saw Ron instead. Katherine gaped at his appearance. Ron was supposed to be on a Horcrux hunt with Harry and Hermione. Ron looked horrible, dirty, his hair was an utter mess, and he had the biggest eye bags Katherine had ever seen.

    "Ron, what are you doing here?" Katherine asked as she walked to him.

    Ron sighed. "It's a long story. Can I tell you when I get a shower and some clean clothes?"

    "Yea, of course!" Katherine said, grabbing his bag and ushering him inside.

    When Ron got inside, he was greeted with a big hug by his brother and a kiss on the cheek by Fleur. Bill showed him around and gave him a towel and washcloth for his shower. Bill came back into the living room and joined the girls on the couch. He talked about his concerns for his brother. From what Bill said, Ron was a bit shaken up and very upset. Katherine wondered what had happened to make him go away from his friends.

    It took a good thirty minutes for Ron to come into the living room. He entered and looked like a different person. The dirt smudged on his face and in his hair was gone, and his face was shaven and smooth. Katherine patted the open spot next to her, gesturing the boy to sit down. Ron obeyed and began to tell them what happened.

    "I got in a big fight with Harry, and I said some things that I shouldn't have said. I asked Hermione if she was going to come with me and she didn't, so I left," Ron explained. "I ran into some Snatchers—"

    "What are Snatchers?" Bill asked.

    "Snatchers work for the Ministry. If they find anyone running away, that is Muggle-born or have that are wanted. They bring them to the Ministry for a trial," Ron answered. "Anyway, I told them I was Stan Shunpike. Some of them fell for it, and some didn't, so they got into an argument. That gave me a chance to run for it. The next day I tried to find Harry and Hermione, but it was no use, so I came here."

    "Alright, 'ow about you get some rest," Fleur said. "I will make dinner and tell you when it is ready."

    "Okay, can someone show me to my room?" Ron asked. "I haven't been here in years."

    "I can," Katherine offered. Bill nodded and followed Fleur to the kitchen. Katherine led the way to one of the guestrooms. "So, can you go more in-depth about what happened since we're alone?"

    Ron nodded. "Well, we got the real locket. Harry, Hermione, and I apparated to Grimmauld Place, but Yaxley got a hold on me, and we had to apparate to a forest."

    "Yea, I know," she nervously chuckled. "Kreacher and I got out before Yaxley found us. I sent him to the Hogwarts kitchen when I got to the Burrow."

    "Good 'cause Harry was freaking out," Ron sighed. "Me and Hermione were telling him you could handle yourself, but that didn't help him very much."

    "Well, I'm okay," Katherine sighed. "Now back to the story."

    "Right, well, we took turns wearing the locket 'cause Hermione thought it made us get angry. Brillant that girl is," Ron gave a small smile. "So, it was my turn to wear the locket, and I guess I wore it too long 'cause I lashed out at Harry and said something like, um, he didn't have a family."

    "Ronald Weasley!" Katherine hit the back of his head. "How could you?"

    "I know, I know," Ron said, rubbing his head. "I regretted it as soon as I took the locket off."

    "Well, have you found any other Horcruxes?" Katherine wanted to steer the topic away from the fight Ron and Harry had.

    "No," Ron sighed. "We haven't even found a way to destroy the locket."

    "Well, I'm sure that you and the others will find a way to destroy the Horcrux," Katherine gave a reassuring smile. "Are you gonna go back?"

    "I don't think they'll want me back," Ron said.

    "Nonsense!" Katherine said. "Harry and Hermione are your best friends, and they love you."

    Ron shrugged. "I don't know."

    "Well, I'll leave you to get some beauty rest," Katherine hugged Ron and walked out the door.

    Katherine walked back to the living room and collapsed on the couch. Ron could be pretty stupid, but he was a good guy. He just always let his jealousy cloud his head making him do things he would regret. First, not talking to Harry because of the Triwizard Tournament, then getting angry about Krum and Hermione, and finally, Ron lashing out at Harry.

    "So, what were you and Ron talking about?" Bill asked at the doorframe of the living room.

    "Ron told me what he said to Harry," Katherine told him the half-truth.

    "What'd he say?" Bill took a seat next to Katherine.

    "Don't get mad at him when I tell you this, okay," Katherine looked at Bill with her eyebrows raised. He nodded his head. "Ron told Harry that he doesn't have a family."

    Bill put his hand on his head and sighed. "Damn."

    "Yea, I know," Katherine breathed.

    "Did he say if he was going back to them?" Bill asked.

    "I don't know. Ron's afraid that Harry and Hermione won't take him back," Katherine replied. "I tried to tell him that they would, but he doesn't seem to think so."

    "Hey, guys," Ron said from behind them.

    "Oh, hey Ron," Katherine smiled. "Come sit."

    "Hey, Ronnie," Bill smirked.

    "Please, don't call me that, Bill," Ron scrunched his nose and sat down.

    "Alright," he laughed. "I was just about to tell Mum that you're here."

    "Please don't. I don't want her to get mad at me."

    Katherine sadly looked at Ron. He always felt like he was the least favorite. Bill and Charlie were the handsome, cool men who were successful in their careers. Percy was an extremely smart boy who was making his way up the Ministry. The twins were the pranksters that everyone adored, and they made their shop. Ginny was the only girl who had a fiery personality. That left Ron, Harry Potter's best friend.

    "It's okay, Ron" Katherine put a hand on his shoulder. "Now, what are we having for dinner?"

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