Chapter 28

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"Merlin!" Katherine held her heart. "You scared the living daylights out of me."

    "Sorry," Sirius laughed. "I saw Kreacher sitting outside the door. Was he bothering you?"

    "Not at all!" Katherine giggled. "If anything, I was bothering him. I scared him earlier, and he cut his head, so I fixed it."

    "You're too nice," Sirius sighed. "Kreacher doesn't deserve your kindness."

    "Why's that?" Katherine asked.

    "Because he's rude," Sirius replied.

    "I think Kreacher just needs someone to care for him and show him, love. Your parents ordered him around, and from what you've told me, they were awful," Katherine shrugged.

    "Where do you get your understanding and kindness from?" Sirius was shocked about his niece's words.

    "Probably from my Mum," Katherine laughed.

    "Speaking of your Mum, I have a picture of her and all of the old Order members," Sirius said. He pulled out another picture from his pocket; this one was folded. Katherine recognized the picture as the one in the DA meeting room.

    "That picture is in our DA room!" Katherine said excitedly. "I've only looked at it once when Neville was talking about his parents."

    Sirius went on to point out everyone in the picture. First James and Lily, who were expecting Harry. Marlene was standing next to Mary; they were holding hands and laughing at something. Remus had a straight face, and Peter Pettigrew was beside him. The rat looked calm as he stared at the camera.

    "Was Alden not a part of the Order?" Katherine asked as she scanned the group.

    "No, he wanted to stay out of the fighting," Sirius scoffed. "He wanted to stay out of a war that involved killing Muggles and Muggle-borns. A war that was aimed at his wife. Pathetic, really."

    "Yeah. Did you know he left last year?" Katherine asked.

    "Yes, Dumbledore informed me over the summer," Sirius responded.

    "Where do you think he is?" Katherine looked at Sirius, who was looking at the picture.

    "Who cares. The man left you to fend for yourself. If I were you, I wouldn't care where he was."

    "Yeah, your right."

    Katherine went to bed after her conversation with Sirius. George was still asleep and slightly snoring. Katherine smiled at the sight and laid next to him. Laying her head on George's chest, Katherine fell asleep quickly.

    George woke up first. Katherine's mouth was open, and she was drooling. George quietly laughed and used his shirt to wipe the drool. The feeling of his shirt woke Katherine up. She smiled when she saw George looking down at her.

    "Good morning," George said in his morning voice which made Katherine's insides warm up.

    "Morning," Katherine softly laughed. George began to lean down, but she stopped him by putting her hands on her face. "I'm not kissing you when you have morning breath."

    George groaned and flopped on the bed. Katherine got up and went to the bathroom she shared with Ginny. Katherine got ready by Brushing her teeth and throwing her hair into a wavy ponytail. The door opened, revealing Ginny.

    "Hey Gin!" Katherine said.

    "Hey Kari," Ginny smiled. "Mum and I are heading to Diagon Alley to pick up some presents and get Hermione. She's gonna spend the holidays with us since her parents are going on a ski trip. Do you want to join us?"

    "That sounds great!" Katherine exclaimed.

    When the girls finished getting ready, they apparated to Diagon Alley. They met Hermione at Gringotts. The girls went to several stores, getting gifts for everyone that was celebrating Christmas at Grimmauld Place. As Molly was about to finish her shopping, Katherine decided to see her grandfather. Katherine took a deep breath as she walked inside the famous wand shop. The bell rang, making Mr. Ollivander's head pop up.

    "Angel!" Mr. Ollivander came from behind his desk and hugged Katherine.

    "Hi grandpa," Katherine laughed. "I just wanted to stop by to say hello and give you your Christmas present."

    "Oh! Let me grab yours before I forget!" Mr. Ollivander ran to the back of his shop.

    He came back with his hands behind his back. When he was in front of his granddaughter, he showed her what was in his hands. It was a silver necklace with a wand charm. The wand had tiny yellow diamonds around it.

    "This is beautiful, grandpa!" Katherine smiled as she put on the necklace. "Now, let me show you what I got you!"

    Katherine dug through her bed and pulled out the first present. It was an Extendable Ear. Mr. Ollivander looked perplexed as he looked at the waxy ear. Kathrine laughed at her grandpa's confusion.

    "This is an Extendable Ear. George and Fred made it. I'm giving it to you because I know how old you're getting," Katherine joked. She got the other present and showed her grandpa the side of the silver device. "This is a deluminator. I had the words, from Angel, on it, so you'll always remember who got it for you!"

    "Angel, I love it, and I love you!" Ollivander took the magical device and ran his thumb over the carved words.

    "I also want to talk to you about something," Katherine turned serious.

    "Is something wrong?" Ollivander asked.

    "I know Alden isn't my real dad," Katherine quietly said. When her grandfather didn't respond, she was shocked. "Did you know?"

    Ollivander opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Ollivander did know. He knew since Mary had announced she was pregnant. Ollivander was the first one to know about the pregnancy, and Mary told him about the parentage. Alden was never told; Ollivander knew how angry his son would have gotten.

    "I knew," Ollivander sighed. "I always knew."

    "Why didn't you tell me?" Katherine's voice was shaky when she asked the question. She mentally cursed herself; she didn't want to show how upset she was to her grandfather.

    "It was your mother's wish for you not to know," Ollivander answered. "She didn't want you to know your father was a death eater. Mary thought that if people found out, they would target you."

    Katherine could feel tears prickle at her eyes. She turned around, not to face Ollivander. Katherine didn't want him to see her cry; she wanted to be strong in front of him, she didn't want him to feel bad either. Katherine wiped away her tears and turned back around. Ollivander had tears running down his face. The Hufflepuff let the tears out and pulled her grandfather into a hug.

    "You're still my grandpa."

    "I love you, Angel."

    "I love you too."

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