Chapter 80

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"Why are you giving this to me?" Katherine asked.

    "When I used it, I saw my parents and some other people," he smiled. "I know how much you want to talk to your Mum, so I thought you would want to use it. You can only use it once, though. I don't want it to drive you mad."

    Katherine laughed. "Okay. I'll give it back to you after I use it."

    Harry nodded and put his Invisibility Cloak on. Smiling, Katherine looked at the stone in her hand. Before she used it, she needed to get a few people. Katherine looked around and saw George with the Weasleys. Katherine politely excused him and went to the courtyard where all the house-elves were. She grabbed Kreacher's hand and led them to the Hufflepuff common room. Katherine closed her eyes and twisted the stone in her hand. When she opened them, seven figures surrounded her, George and Kreacher.

    "Fred?" George whispered.

    "Hey, George," Fred flashed his mischievous smile. Katherine looked around and saw Fred, Sirius, Marlene, Cedric, Mary, and Regulus. Kreacher fell to the floor and started to sob at the sight of his old Master.

    "Hello, Darling," Mary said. Katherine smiled at her mother, she reached out for her, but her hand went right through her.

    "Why can't I touch you?" Katherine's voice broke.

    "We're what you call ghosts," a soft voice said.

    "Cedric! I missed you so much," Katherine felt happy tears flood her eyes.

    "What about me?" Sirius asked.

    Katherine laughed. "Of course! Have you seen Remus and James?"

    "Yes, actually, we have a new Marauder," Sirius nodded towards Fred, who was talking with George.

    "That's amazing!" Katherine said.

    "Oi! Can you not take up all the time!" Tonks said.

    Katherine sadly stared at the woman. "Tonks, I'm so sorry."

    "Don't apologize, Kari!" Tonks sadly smiled.

    "Teddy lost you and Remus," she sniffed.

    "Teddy has you, Harry, and my Mum," Tonks said. "Just promise to tell him about my awesomeness."

    Katherine chuckled. "I promise."

    "I think it's my turn now," Regulus said. Katherine smiled big and walked to him.

    "Hi Dad," Katherine said.

    "Hello, honey," he smiled. "You are so beautiful, just like your mother."

    "Yea, but I have your eyes," Katherine chuckled.

    "That you do," he laughed.

    "Master Regulus! Kreacher tried to destroy the locket! Kreacher just couldn't! Kreacher is sorry!" Kreacher cried.

    "Don't worry, Kreacher. You made me proud," Regulus smiled.

    Kreacher cried even harder, making Katherine and Regulus laugh. Katherine looked at a familiar face that was standing next to Sirius. She was stunning with her blonde hair and blue eyes.

    She smiled. "Let me see that ring!"

    Katherine held up her hand and chuckled. "Ugh, just as beautiful as I remembered! It suits you very well."

    "Thank you," Katherine smiled. "Although, I think it looked better on you."

    "I disagree," Marlene said.

    Katherine took a step back and took in everyone that was standing before her. George joined her side and held her hand with Kreacher still sniffing at Regulus' feet.

    "Once I let go of the stone, where will you all go?" Katherine asked. "Will you still be with me?"

    "Of course we will, Darling!" Mary said, holding Regulus' hand.

    "We have been watching over you since we passed on, and that will never change," Regulus said.

    "Yea, that goes for you too, Georgie," Fred winked at his brother, making him laugh. "Oh, and tell Harry that I'm very disappointed!"

    "Why are you disappointed?" George asked.

    "The git didn't tell me that Prongs was his father!" Fred answered. Katherine and George laughed at his stupid humor. Then, Katherine felt sad. She didn't want to see them go. Katherine felt tears threaten to spill.

    "Don't cry, Kari," Tonks said.

    Katherine half laughed, and half sniffed. "Sorry, I just love you all so much."

    "Yea, but you love me the most, right!" Sirius wiggled his eyebrows.

    Regulus hit his brother while laughing. "Shut up, Sirius!"

    Katherine looked at everyone. "I don't want to say goodbye."

    "Then don't," Cedric said. "How about a, see you later."

    "Yea," Katherine chuckled. "See you later."

    "Wait, before you go, I have a request," Fred said with his chest puffed out.

    "What is it, Freddie?" George smiled.

    Fred smirked. "Name your kid after me."

    George let out a shaky laugh. "Of course."

    Katherine looked at Kreacher, who was still on the floor. He had stopped crying and was now staring at his old Master. Katherine knew it was time to go, so she went to the elf and picked him up. She walked back to George. Once again, she looked at everyone and sighed.

    "I love you all so much."

    "And we love you, Katherine," Mary said.

    Katherine glanced at her loved ones once more and smiled. She took George's hand and walked out of the common room. A big breeze rushed past Katherine making her heart warm. She finally got the closure she always wanted. Now, it was time to live her life freely.

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