Chapter 30

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"It's your turn to open presents, Kari!" Ginny exclaimed. Katherine laughed at the girl's excitement.

    Katherine grabbed the first gift, a hand-sewn sweater with the letter; K. Molly eagerly clapped her hands when Katherine held it up for everyone to see. Katherine got up and pulled Molly into a tight embrace. Next, she opened Fred's present, which was a set of Skiving Snack boxes. Molly glared at her son and hit the back of his head. Ron got Katherine some candies, and Hermione got her a book about magical creatures. Harry gave her a miniature Pensieve.

    Katherine smiled at Harry and kissed him on his cheek. George glared at Harry, causing everyone to laugh at the twin's jealousy. Ginny got her Self-Correcting Ink, which Katherine greatly needed. The Hufflepuff always spelled words wrong on her essays and notes. Sirius smiled as Hermione handed Katherine the present he had gotten her. Katherine excitedly opened the first box and found a leather jacket.

    "It used to be mine," Sirius explained. "Your mother had gotten me that jacket for Christmas one year, and I thought that you would like to have it."

    "I love it!" Katherine laughed while slipping the jacket on. She picked up the second gift and found a mirror.

    "That is a two-way mirror. You can speak to the person that owns the other half whenever you like," Sirius said. Katherine smiled and attacked him with a hug.

    "Thank you!" Katherine exclaimed.

    The present opening finished and Katherine realized George hadn't given her a gift. Katherine walked to Buckbeak's room. She thought perhaps the animal could cheer her up. Buckbeak was eating a raw piece of steak when Katherine walked in. Katherine waited until he was done eating to cuddle the big bird. She told Buckbeak everything that was worrying her, including George.

    When she finished talking, Katherine kissed Buckbeak and walked out of the room. Katherine sluggishly walked to her room. Kreacher was holding a bunch of dirty blankets while walking down the halls. Katherine sadly waved, making Kreacher stop walking. He watched as she slowly walked to her room. When she reached the door, she took a deep breath and entered. George was sitting on the bed while fumbling a box in his hands. He looked up when he heard the door squeak. George saw Katherine's sad face.

    "What's wrong?" George asked, rushing to his girlfriend. Katherine frowned, and when he walked over to her. She brushed his touch away and sat on her bed.

    "Are you going to break up with me?" Katherine quietly asked.

    "What makes you ask that?" George laughed. Katherine felt stupid when he laughed at her question. "Is this because I didn't get you a present?"

    "Yea," Katherine mumbled.

    "I got you a present," George said. "I just didn't want to give it to you in front of everyone."

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