Chapter 63

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The guests started screaming and yelling. Bill and Fleur took out their wands and held hands, waiting for Death Eaters to attack. Many people disapparated, including Elphias Dodge and Auntie Muriel. Suddenly, the Death Eaters flew in and started sending spells. Katherine looked for Harry(Barney), Hermione, and Ron. She felt a huge weight lift off her shoulders when she saw the trio apparate. Katherine went to take out her wand, but George stopped her.

    "No, you have to go and hide," George said with his wand out.

    "Are you kidding?" Katherine said. "I'm not leaving you!"

    "Kari, please. Bellatrix will kill you with no hesitation, and Voldemort wants you dead!" George yelled over the screaming. "You have to go."

    Katherine looked around in defeat. "Fine, but please be safe."

    "I will," George nodded. "I love you."

    "I love you too."

    Katherine kissed him once more and then apparated to Grimmauld Place. She landed right outside the front door and quickly entered. A dusty figure began to take form. Katherine knew exactly what to do. Not too long before Moody died, the Order set up a bunch of curses to prevent any unwelcome visitors at bay.

    "Severus Snape?"

    "It was not I who killed Albus," Katherine said.

    Instantly, the figure disappeared, leaving Katherine the luxury to walk where she pleased. Katherine went into the kitchen to grab something to eat but then realized there was no food. She looked around at the room. It was dustier than ever. That reminded Katherine of Kreacher.

    "Kreacher?" Katherine called. A crack sounded, and the House-elf appeared, bowing to Katherine.

    "Hello, Mistress Katherine," Kreacher showed a small smile.

    "Hi, Kreacher!" Katherine bent down and kissed the Elf on the head. "Do you mind if I asked you to get some food?"

    "Of course not, Mistress Katherine," Kreacher said. "Is there anything else Mistress Katherine would like?"

    "Yes," she chuckled. "Will you please just call me Katherine. You can drop the Mistress. It makes me feel evil."

    "Okay—Katherine," Kreacher said her name weirdly without the 'Mistress' part. "Kreacher will go get food for Katherine."

    Kreacher snapped his fingers and was gone. Katherine sighed and sat down. She thought about what was happening at the Burrow. Were the Weasleys okay? Was George okay? Were Tonks and Remus okay? Did anyone get killed? A million thoughts raced through Katherine's head, and her nerves were starting to get the best of her. Suddenly, Kreacher reappeared with a bag in hand.

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