Chapter 59

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"Where do you think Dumbledore is this time?" Katherine asked as she and Bill walked around Hogwarts.

    "Who knows," Bill sighed. "That man is a mystery."

    "You could say that again," Katherine mumbled. "Who else is on guard tonight?"

    "I'm pretty sure Remus and Tonks," Bill answered.

    Katherine looked around the deserted corridors. Good and bad memories flooded Katherine's brain. First-year, she and Cedric get sorted into Hufflepuff, making their table cheer profusely when Cedric came into the common room to tell Katherine how he made the Quidditch team his second year. All the laughs and smiles they shared. The first time talking to George, the Yule Ball, and so much more. Katherine's heart leaped at the thought of everything.

    Sadly, her thoughts were interrupted by laughs and footsteps. Bill rolled his eyes and told Katherine he would tell the students to get back to bed. Katherine laughed at the annoyance on his face and nodded in agreement. A couple of minutes passed, and still, Bill hadn't come back. Katherine waited another ten minutes until she went looking for Bill. She stopped when she saw a bloody Bill next to the Astronomy Tower stairs.

    Just as Katherine went to get him, she heard footsteps and an evil cackle. Katherine knew the owner of that laugh. It was Bellatrix. Katherine hid behind a large pillar, praying not to get caught. She managed to peek at the oncoming Death Eaters. Katherine recognized all of them: Alecto, Amycus, Bellatrix, and Greyback. Two other figures were emerging from behind them. Katherine looked away when she saw Snape and Draco. She took deep breaths and reminded herself that Snape was a spy, but what was Draco doing with them?

    When they were out of sight, Katherine ran to Bill and levitated him with her wand. Katherine ran through the school, trying to avoid Death Eaters and find one of her own. She was able to breathe again when she saw Remus and Tonks. Katherine ran to them with Bill still in the air. Tonks turned when she heard footsteps. When she saw Bill, she let out a yelp.

    "What happened?" she asked.

    "Greyback got him," Katherine replied.

    Remus' eyes widened. "Greyback?"

    "Yes," said Katherine. "Death Eaters have gotten into Hogwarts."

    Tonks opened her mouth in shock while Remus looked straight ahead. "Okay, get him to the infirmary and come find us. We need to do whatever we can to keep the students safe."

    Katherine nodded and ran to the infirmary. When she opened the doors, Madam Pomfrey glared at her. Quickly her glare softened when she saw Bill. Katherine laid him on a bed and informed the school Healer what was happening. She told Pomfrey to lock the doors and only open when she knew for sure it was someone on their side. Katherine took one last look at Bill, his face was slashed, and she could barely recognize him.

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