Chapter 12

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It was the day of the third and final task. Katherine had been working with Cedric on his dueling, charms, and much more the past month. As she waited for Cedric to come to the common room, Katherine couldn't help but feel scared and nervous. The Hufflepuff twiddled her thumbs while looking at the fireplace. It wasn't lit and was filled with ashes. Katherine's mind wandered to Harry. Was Harry going to be okay? Who was she kidding? Of course, he would! He's the freaking Boy-Who-Lived!

"You okay, Katherine?" A voice asked.

"Yeah, just thinking about stuff," Katherine answered. "I should be asking you that. You're about to enter a maze with a bunch of magical creatures and plants."

"You don't have to worry about me. I will be just fine." Cedric said. Katherine looked away from the fireplace and to Cedric's face. She could tell, he too, was nervous. "I have to go see Cho. I'll see you in the stands."

"I love you, Ced," Katherine sighed.

"I love you too," And with that, Cedric left the room, leaving Katherine alone with her worries.


"Are you sure your Mum is okay with me staying at your house for summer break?" Katherine asked as she and George walked to the stands.

"I'm very sure. Mum's really excited to have you around," George laughed. "By the way, my other brother, Bill, is going to be here today."

"Amazing. Now I just have to meet your dad!" Katherine exclaimed.

The stands were already filled to the max. Luckily, Mrs. Weasley had saved seats for the couple. Bill and Katherine shook hands and started to talk about his job in Egypt. Fred and George went off staring at what once was the quidditch field. The goalposts and field had been replaced with a huge bushy maze.

"Mrs. Weasley, I just want to thank you for your generosity!" Katherine started. "You have raised amazing children that are nice and caring."

"Oh, there is no need to thank me, dear! Remember to call me Molly!" She pulled Katherine in a hug and kissed her cheek when they separated. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go accompany Harry."

Suddenly, the champions came out with their parents. Viktor was with his dark-haired mum and father, Fleur with her Mum and sister, Cedric with his parents, and finally Harry with Mrs. Weasley and Bill. Amos Diggory grabbed his son's hand and held it up high. Cedric, being the modest human he was, put it down and softly rolled his eyes.

    Cedric looked in the stands. First, at Cho. He blowed her a kiss. Then he looked Katherine. Cedric could see the worry on her face and held his hand to his heart, curtly nodding his head. Katherine have a small smile.

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