Chapter 22

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Katherine had several meetings with Dumbledore over the weeks. They had looked through his memories of her mother, Mary. It puzzled Katherine greatly. Why would the headmaster want to show her memories of her mother when they were supposed to be practicing her spell resistance? Today Katherine and Dumbledore would be diving into the Pensieve again. Katherine took a deep breath as she stuck her head into the silvery mist.

    Katherine recognized the corridor they were in. It was the Transfiguration hallway. Mary was walking down the hallway, constantly looking over her shoulder. Her hands were shaking as she stuffed a book into a school bag. Suddenly, a boy jumped at Mary, causing her to drop her bag. The boy roughly grabbed her arm and dragged her into Professor McGonagall's room.

    "Mulicber, please let me go," Mary whimpered. "Why are you so keen on hurting me?"

    "Cause you're a filthy Mudblood, who doesn't deserve to be at this school," Mulicber growled.

    "Please," Mary pleaded with the boy as she tried to escape the Slytherin's clutches. Mulciber laughed at the fear in Mary's eyes and punched her. Katherine couldn't believe her eyes.

    "Dumbledore, do something!" Katherine yelled.

    "I'm sorry, but I can not do anything. We are mere ghosts," Dumbledore sadly sighed as Mulciber punched Mary again.

    "Imperio!" Mulciber laughed as he made Mary fly up and down in the air. He flipped her upside down, causing her undergarments to show. Katherine looked away in disgust.

    "Stupefy!" A red light hot from behind Katherine and hit Mary's bully. Katherine turned to see Regulus holding his wand. "Are you okay, Mary?"

    Mary stared at the unconscious body of Mulciber. Her face was stained with tears, and her breaths were fast. Regulus cautiously walked to Mary and knelt beside her.

    "Mary, answer me. Are you okay?" Regulus asked. He held Mary's hand as she whipped her face to look at Regulus.

    "Why did you help me?" Mary avoided his question. Her eyes now showed her confusion. "You're a Slytherin who believes in blood purity."

    "Mary, there's a lot you don't know about me. I don't judge by blood status," Regulus replied.

    "But your brother—" Mary began.

    "My brother doesn't know that much about me either," Regulus sighed. Mary studied his sad face.

    "Well, um, thank you," Mary said. Regulus looked at her with a small smile.

    They stared at each other for a while. Regulus stared into her sad eyes and felt the urge to kiss her. He started to lean in. Mary nervously looked around, but her eyes landed on his lips. Even though the Gryffindor was dating Alden Ollivander, she didn't pull away when their lips met. Instead, Mary kissed back. She had never felt the sparks that we're shooting right now when she kissed Alden. Mary realized what she was doing was wrong and pulled back.

    Suddenly, Katherine felt a pulling sensation. She blinked and realized she was back in Dumbledore's office. Katherine felt dizzy and crashed into a chair, holding her head. Taking deep breaths, Katherine looked at Dumbledore, who was closing the fancy cabinet.

    "Are you okay, Katherine?" Dumbledore asked, taking a seat in his chair.

    "No, professor. I am not," Katherine sarcastically laughed. "I have so many questions; I think my mind will explode!"

    "I know, Katherine," Dumbledore sighed. "Go ahead and ask."

    "The first question is how did you get that memory. You were nowhere in sight, so it would be impossible for you to have it in you, Pensieve," Katherine said.

    "Regulus gave it to me after the incident," Dumbledore answered.

    "Okay, why the hell was Regulus and my Mum kissing when she was with my Dad?" Katherine quizzed. Dumbledore let out a deep sigh.

    "Regulus and your mother had a relationship after he saved her. Mary didn't have the heart to break up with Alden. She loved both of the boys dearly in different ways, but when Regulus joined Voldemort, she broke it off with him for obvious reasons," Dumbledore explained. "Shortly after your mother graduated from Hogwarts, she and your father split. Later on, she found out she was pregnant. With you." Dumbledore stopped and looked warily at Katherine.

    "Go on, professor," Katherine grunted. The Hufflepuff immediately regretted her tone towards the old man and let her eyes sink to the floor.

    "While Mary and Alden were split, she ran into Regulus. They both still felt the attraction towards each other. Your mother called it a moment of weakness, but it was evident that she was still in love with him," Dumbledore continued to look at Katherine while he talked. "Katherine, your father isn't Alden Ollivander. It's Regulus Black."

    Katherine felt a pit in her stomach when Dumbledore said those words. Her father wasn't her actual father and her real father was dead. The Hufflepuff stared at the floor when she felt tears coming out of her eyes. Katherine quickly wiped them and looked at Dumbledore.

    "Did my da—" Katherine sighed. "I mean, did Alden know this?"

    "He only found out when you were four," The headmaster replied.

    "Why didn't she tell me?" Katherine's voice broke.

    "Mary didn't have the option. She died when you were only five."

    "Is that why Alden left me?"

    "I think that is part of the reason, but I also think there's another situation that tied into his disappearance."

    "Is this the only reason we've been having these meetings?"

    "No, like I've said before, you are spell resistant. That memory wasn't the only time your mother underwent the Imperius Curse," Dumbledore explained. "Mulciber casted that curse on her multiple times. I think this is the reason you can withstand the Unforgivable. Mary's body built some kind of immunity towards it, which she carried on to you. I guarantee you after this meeting we will be going over your abilities."

    "So Sirius is my uncle?" Katherine smiled at the idea of having one. Her parents had been the only child just like herself.

    "Yes, he is," Dumbledore smiled, and the twinkle in his eye was restored. "I can tell you he is thrilled to have a niece."

    "Thank you, professor," Katherine sighed and stood up. "Well, I should be going to my common room. Goodnight."

    "Goodnight, Katherine."


    "You're related to Sirius?" George whispered. Katherine was sitting in the Gryffindor common room with George, Fred, Hermione, Harry, Ron, and Ginny.

    "Yeah," Katherine was still uneasy with the fact that her biological dad was a dead Death Eater.

    "Bloody hell!" Ron gulped. "Your dad was on Voldemort's side and slept with a Muggle-born? That's insane!"

    "Ron!" Hermione yelled while Ginny hit the back of his head.

    "Sorry," Ron mumbled. Harry sat there without saying a word.

    "Harry, are you okay?" Katherine nervously asked. Harry looked at her and attacked her with a hug.

    "I'm sorry for what you've gone through," Harry mumbled into her ear. Katherine smiled and responded with a hugging him back. Harry didn't want to say it out loud in fear he would gut her feelings, but Katherine was an orphan like him. They were the same.

    "So when's our first Defense meeting?" Fred jokingly asked.

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