Chapter 9

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A month and a half had passed since the Yule Ball. Katherine and George were going on dates in Hogsmeade whenever they could. Cedric made it official with Cho as well as Fred and Angelina, Harry still didn't know what the next task was, and Ron was a jerk to Hermione.

    Kathrine walked into the library looking for a book on Dittany when she saw Hermione and Krum studying. Well, Hermione was studying, and Krum just stared at her, to be more precise. Katherine made her way over to Hermione.

    "Hey Victor, do you mind if I steal Hermione away for a quick second?" Katherine kindly asked.

    "No. Go ahead," Victor said with his thick accent.

    "Thank you. Come on, Hermione," Katherine grabbed Hermione and dragged her to the Herbology section. "So, what's going on with you and Mr. Krum?"

    "Nothing really. He doesn't really talk. He's more of a physical person, you know. Just stares at me when I study." She answered. "Is that the reason you took me away from my book?"

    "No. It's about Ron. He's been extra moody lately, and I can't help but think it has something to do with you. Ron seems bothered with the fact that you and Krum have a relationship. I think he's jealous," Katherine said shyly. She usually didn't butt into other people's drama, but Ron being a git every day didn't make Katherine happy.

    "Why would Ron be jealous?" Hermione scoffed.

    "I think he has a little crush on you," Katherine said, running her fingers through all the books. She finally found what she was looking for and grabbed it from the shelves.

    "Oh, don't be daft! Ronald does not like me!" Hermione grunted. She quickly changed the subject. "Has Cedric found out about the second task?"

    "I don't know. I haven't talked to him about it. Too busy studying," Katherine responded. "Has Harry?"

    "No. All the egg does is scream when he opens it. I'm starting to get worried, frankly," Hermione answered.

    "Well, I can talk to Cedric and see if he knows anything." Katherine offered. "I'll see you later. Bye!"


    Katherine searched for Cedric. She looked in the Hufflepuff common room, the dining hall, and corridors. As Katherine walked past the Potions room, she ran into the one and only Adrien Pucey. Katherine rolled her eyes and tried to walk past him, but Pucey grabbed her arm.

    "Can you please let me go," Katherine said as politely as she could.

    "No. Don't think I forgot what you did to Graham and me," Adrien sneered.

    "What? Still mad that a girl broke your nose?" The Hufflepuff jeered.

    "What happened to the shy little badger I used to know? Huh?" Katherine could tell Adrien was starting to get mad. He would take a step towards Katherine, making her take a step back until she was pressed against the cold wall. "Ever since you started going out with that blood traitor, you've changed. You've become twat."

    "Get away, or I might have to hex you," Katherine scowled. Her threat only made Adrien's grasp harder on her wrist. "Get off-"

    "Is there something going on?" A deep voice sounded next to the teenagers. They turned their head and saw Professor Snape.

    "No, Professor," Adrien turned his head back to Katherine. "Everything is just fine."

    Adrien strutted away without looking back while Snape furrowed his eyebrow at Katherine and dramatically walked the other way. Katherine ran to the Hufflepuff common room. She tapped to the rhythm of Helga Hufflepuff and entered the room. Cedric was on the couch with Cho making out. Katherine cleared her throat, causing the couple to split and look her way.

    "Sorry if I'm interrupting, but I need to have a quick conversation with Ced," Katherine said. Cho smiled and nodded her head.

    "What's up?" Cedric asked as they walked to a corner in the room.

    "Have you figured anything out about the second task?" Katherine saw the golden egg on the shelf above the fireplace.

    "Yea. The task has to do something with the Black Lake, so I need to find a spell to help me breathe underwater," Cedric answered. "Why?"

    "I think you should give a hint to Harry," She looked at her feet and then back at Cedric, who had a confused look on his face.

    "Why would I do that?" Cedric laughed as he questioned what his friend said.

    "Really, Cedric? That boy helped you with the first task. Harry told you it was about the first ask. The least you could do is tell him about the second task!" Katherine whispered yelled. Cedric looked at the golden egg and thought about what she was saying.

    "You're right. I'm sorry," Cedric softly said. "The next time I see him, I'll give him a hint."

    "Thank you. Now get back to that girlfriend of yours," Katherine laughed.

    Cedric gave her one last smile and walked back to Cho. Katherine left the lovebirds alone and exited the room. Today was a Hogsmeade day, so Katherine caught a carriage and rode off. She jumped out when she saw Honeydukes. Honeydukes was Katherine's favorite store due to it being filled with candy. Katherine had a big sweet tooth, which explains her love for ice cream. When she entered the store, Katherine went straight to the chocolate section and looked at the chocolate cauldrons. There was only one box left! Katherine went to grab it but was beaten by a pair of long arms reaching overhead and grabbing the box.

    "Hey! I was going to get that!" Katherine said softly.

    "Sorry, love," Katherine recognized that voice instantly.

    "George, give me that chocolate!" She playfully demanded, turning to face her boyfriend.

    "No, I'm gonna buy them for you," George sweetly smiled.

    "George, you don't have to!" Katherine grinned at his kindness.

    "Nope. I'm your boyfriend. I get to buy you stuff," Before Katherine could say anything else, George ran to the counter and bought the chocolate. Katherine walked to him and kissed his cheek.

    "Thank you," Katherine said.

    The couple walked out of the store hand in hand. They stopped at the Three Broomsticks and drank Butterbeer. After that, they made their way back to the castle. Katherine and George decided to walk instead of taking a carriage. As they walked, Katherine felt snow hit the back of her head. She turned around to find Adrien and Montague. He was snickering while Adrien's face was twisted in anger.

    "George, when I nudge you, send a charm their way. I'll take Adrien. You take Montauge. Okay?" Katherine whispered, slowly reaching for her wand. The Slytherins walked closer, making Katherine nudge George.

    "Petrificus Totalus!" The couple cast in unison. Graham and Adrien froze and fell to the ground.

    Katherine and George looked at the Slytherins and back at each other, laughing at what they'd done. The redhead took Katherine's hand and ran towards the castle.

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