Chapter 45

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Molly poured Butterbeer into twelve glasses. The Weasley family, Katherine, Fleur, Remus, and Tonks, were huddled in the living room waiting for the clock to strike midnight. The radio was playing Celestina Warbeck, Molly's favorite singer. Ginny was dancing with the twins, making Katherine smile big. Katherine turned to Harry and noticed the way he was looking at Ginny. This made her smile even more. Katherine knew that Ginny always had a crush on Harry, and now he was returning the feelings.

    "So, Ginny?" Katherine quietly asked.

    "W-what?" Harry stammered. Katherine chuckled at how flustered he had gotten.

    "Do you have a thing for Ginny?" she asked.

    "What makes you say that?" Harry shook his head while avoiding eye contact.

    "Harry, it's so obvious," Katherine laughed. Harry sighed and looked between Ginny and Ron.

    "Please don't tell Ron," Harry said. "I don't need him being upset with me."

    "My lips are sealed," Katherine winked. She looked towards Tonks, who was trying to persuade Remus to dance with her. Her hair turned red when he shook his head. "What do you think about Tonks and Remus?"

    "I think Remus needs to man up and go out with her already," George answered before Harry could open his mouth. Katherine smirked and looked at Harry, but he was walking away.

    "You scared Harry away," Katherine pouted.

    "Good," George chuckled.

    Katherine went to say something but was stopped by George, pulling her in for a kiss. Her pout turned into a smile as they locked lips. The hand placement on Katherine's inner thigh and cheek made her want to rip George's clothes off, but she knew she had to control herself. When George tried to slip in tongue, Katherine pulled away.

    "Hey!" George whined.

    "We are in front of your family. We aren't going to snog with them in the room," Katherine leaned closer to where her lips were a centimeter away from George's ear. "But we can do something later."

    Katherine heard George nervously gulp, making her smile. As she pulled away, Katherine placed a kiss on his jawline. Katherine faced George, whose eyes were wide and face was red. Katherine bit her lip, causing George to smile.

    "Merlin, you drive me crazy," George sighed.

    "I know," Katherine smirked and walked to the kitchen to help Molly carry the beverages.

    Katherine gave Ginny, Remus, Tonks, and Ron their Butterbeer. Ron was sitting in the corner with a scowl on his face. Katherine assumed it was because of Lavender, his girlfriend. Fred and George were making fun of the poor guy the entire break. The way that Ron talked about Lavender showed he didn't like her, which made Katherine happy. She always thought Ron and Hermione would be a cute couple.

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