Chapter 38

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"Why did you invite Fleur to the shop?" Fred groaned.

    "Because she's probably lonely at the house, and I want to get to know her," Katherine replied.

    "But she's a snob!" Fred whined.

    "You haven't even tried to get to know the girl," Katherine rolled her eyes and walked to the Pygmy Puff section.

    Marshmallow was in the loft taking a nap, which gave Katherine time to play with the others. The Puff always got jealous when Katherine paid attention to other Pygmies. Suddenly the door rang, meaning someone came into the store. Katherine looked up and saw Fleur. She smiled and walked up to Fleur, giving her a hug.

    "Hey, Fleur, how're you doing?" Katherine asked, pulling away.

    "'Ello Kari!" Fleur paused. "Can I call you zat?"

    "Of course you can!" Katherine smiled.

    "Okay," Fleur looked past Katherine's shoulder. "What are zose?"

    "Pygmy Puffs. I breed them for the shop," Katherine responded. "Do you want to hold one?"

    "I would love to!" Fleur exclaimed.

    Katherine opened the cage and handed Fleur a purple Puff. Immediately, Fleur started to smile. The Puff started to squeak and circle around her hand until it laid down and fell asleep. Fleur handed the creature to Katherine, who put him back in the cage. Katherine told George she was leaving and apparated to the Three Broomsticks with Fleur.

    When they arrived, Katherine ordered two Butterbeers and Fleur sat at a table. She remembered the pub when she came to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament. Thinking about that year made the hair on Fleur's arms stand up. Fleur regretted entering the tournament. That year she almost died twice, her sister was put in danger, and she saw a dead boy. She went through so many obstacles, but one good thing that came out of it was seeing Bill for the first time.

    "So, how's living at the Burrow?" Katherine asked, walking over to the table.

    "It's good," Fleur faked a smile.

    "I know you're lying," Katherine chuckled. "It's okay to tell me the truth."

    "Molly and Ginny don't like me," Fleur sadly sighed. "I don't know why. Zey always leaves me out."

    "Molly's just protective of her kids," Katherine shrugged. "She'll warm up to you. As for Ginny, if I tell you this, you can't go around and spill the beans. She thinks you're a priss."

    "I admit, I can be a snob," Fleur took a sip of her drink. "I miss my home, and I tend to say zings before thinking."

    "It's okay," Katherine offered a smile. "Let's talk about something else. How's your sister?"

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