Chapter 70

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"And now over to Rapier, for our popular feature, Pals of Potter, our usual update on the friends of Harry Potter," Lee's voice boomed through the radio. Ron, Katherine, Bill, and Fleur sat in the living room listening to Potterwatch.

"We have heard within the last few hours that Rubeus Hagrid, well-known gamekeeper at Hogwarts School, has narrowly escaped arrestment in the grounds of Hogwarts, where he has rumored to have hosted a Support Harry Potter Party, in his house!" Fred or Rapier exclaimed. "However, Hagrid was not taken into custody and is, we believe, on the run."

"I suppose having a 16-foot high Half-brother helps when you're escaping Death Eaters!" Lee snorted.

"It would give you an edge. But, while we here at Potterwatch applaud Hagrid's spirit, we would urge against following Hagrid's lead. Support Harry Potter parties are unwise in the present climate," Fred warned. "Especially with all we've heard about the Ministry running these Snatcher squads."

"Yes, for all those who haven't heard, the Ministry has licensed so-called 'Snatchers' to hunt down and bring in anyone who is deemed to be 'Undesirable,'" Lee said.

"Well, that wouldn't be us then, would it? I mean, we've both had loads of girlfriends," Fred laughed. Katherine had to roll her eyes. Fred only had one girlfriend, and that was Angelina Johnson, and Lee had about two.

"It must be those cute little cheeks and whiskers, Rodent," Lee teased.

"That's right, Tentacula!" Fred said.

"Tentacula?" Lee scoffed.

"So, to all those who find themselves being unjustly labeled 'Undesirable,' we here at Potterwatch salute you!" Fred said, ignoring Lee. "And to all those people who really are Undesirable."

Lee broke out into a fit of coughing, trying to hide the names he was saying. "Dolores Umbridge! Malfoy!"

"Your time will come," Fred said. "Well, goodbye, for now, folks. The password for the next meeting is Vance!"

The dial on the radio twisted and changed back to the music that was playing before. Katherine sighed and rested her head on the couch cushion. When she heard Emmeline's name, the night of her death rushed to Katherine's mind. Emmeline's death was a tragedy to the Order. She was an extremely gifted witch. Katherine remembered like it was yesterday.

Emmeline, Kingsley, and Katherine were guarding the Muggle Minister as usual. Hestia Jones couldn't come last minute for some reason, so it was just the three. The group was walking the Minister to an abandoned building when a group of Death Eaters appeared. Kinglsey told Katherine to get the Minister to safety and then to rejoin them. Katherine did as he said and took the Minister to his safe house.

When Katherine got back, Emmeline and Kingsley were holding off five Death Eaters. The Carrows, Dolohov, Rookwood, and Bellatrix. Katherine quickly joined in, taking on Bellatrix. Just as Katherine stunned the witch, she heard Kingsley shout. Katherine looked at him and found Emmeline's limp body in his arms. Rookwood and Dolohov were knocked out, but the Carrows were standing there with a smile.

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