Chapter 41

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Katherine apparated home after saying goodbye to everyone. She found the twins and Lee downing Fire Whiskey in the living room with music blaring through the house. The music they were listening to was something that Katherine never heard. The song kept repeating hello, and the man's voice was very raspy.

"When I said have fun, I didn't mean, get drunk," Katherine deadpanned. The boys whipped their heads around. George smiled when he saw Katherine and ran up to her, lifting her off the ground in a hug.

"Babyyyy, you're homeeee!" George slurred as he put her down. He went in for a kiss, but Katherine swerved him. "Kiss meee!"

"George, you are wasted, and you reek of alcohol," Katherine walked to the Muggle radio they had and turned the music down. "Go to bed. Now! I'll get you some water to drink."

"Can we have a kissss, Kari?" Fred went to get up but fell over himself, making his drink spill on the floor.

"Fred go to your room," Katherine sighed, flicking her wand to clean up the mess.

"You're not my Mum!" Fred got up and crossed his arms.

"Do I need to call your Mum?" Katherine pursed her lips.

Fred's face straightened out, and he ran to his bathroom, surprisingly, without tripping. Katherine turned to Lee, who was asleep on the couch. Katherine chuckled and fetched the kitchen trash can. She placed it next to Lee in case he threw up in the middle of the night. Katherine filled two glasses of water and went to Fred's room. When Katherine opened the door, she got a view of Fred's bare butt.

"Oh, Merlin!" Katherine yelled, quickly closing her eyes.

She placed the glass on the closest surface and ran out of the room, closing the door behind her. Katherine shook her head and walked to her room. When opening this door, she saw George passed out on the bed. George's mouth was wide open, which made Katherine lightly laugh. Katherine noticed he was still in his day clothes, so she went to George's dresser and pulled out PJ pants. She walked back to George and sat him up, with George grunting. As Katherine slipped his shirt off, George sleepily smiled. His smile grew when she pulled his pants off.

"Freakyyy," George giggled.

"Oh, shut it!" Katherine sternly said as she put on his PJ pants. "Now, take a sip of water."

George scrunched his face and turned away. Katherine held his face and poured the drink down his throat. She let George lay down and covered him. Katherine smiled as she watched him fall asleep. George was handsome when he slept. His lips curled in a small smile, and his face was calm. It made Katherine forget about what was going on in the world.

Katherine let out a big sigh and walked to her dresser. She took her clothes up and put on one of George's shirts and a pair of sleeping shorts. Throwing her hair in a ponytail, Katherine made her way to the bed and slipped under the covers. She laid her head on George's chest and hugged his middle. Katherine smiled at the feeling of George's chest rising and falling. She loved this man with all of her heart, and she would do anything for him.

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