Chapter 17

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Katherine took a seat at the Gryffindor table and filled her plate with pancakes and bacon while Harry stole glances at the new DADA professor. Katherine could tell Professor Umbridge was going to be a pain in her butt this year. The way she talked and looked at the students was a dead giveaway of how she would treat everyone.

"You okay, Harry?" Katherine asked as she drizzled syrup on her food.

"That woman was at my hearing. She voted to expel me from Hogwarts," Harry responded.

"We already have a prank mapped out against the toad," Fred snickered.

"We are going to slip her some chocolates with an extra kick!" George glanced at Umbridge and smirked.

"You can't do that to a professor!" Hermione whispered.

"Hermione, that woman voted Harry to get expelled! We will do whatever we want!" Fred frowned.

The twins and Hermione continued to bicker until the end of breakfast. Fred, George, Lee, and Katherine made their way to their first class of the day, Defense Against the Dark Arts. The group sat in the back of the room—Fred with Lee and George with Katherine. Umbridge was already sitting at her desk.

"Well, good afternoon!" The professor exclaimed. Only a couple of Hufflepuffs responded to her. "Tut, tut. That won't do, now, will it? I should like you, please, to reply, 'Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge.' One more time, please. Good afternoon class!"

"Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge," Everyone replied.

"There, now," Professor Umbridge said sweetly. "That wasn't too hard, was it? Wands away and quills out, please. We will be going back to the basics," Katherine gave George a look when she put away her wand. This is Defense Against the Dark Arts. Why were they putting their wands away?

"Excuse me, professor, but how is this going to help us in the future? We need to learn defensive spells," Katherine said.

"First and foremost, students will raise their hands in class, Miss.—?"

"Ollivander," Katherine replied, sticking her hand in the air.

"Now, what were you saying, Miss. Ollivander?" Umbridge had a sweet but fake smile plastered on her face.

"Why are we learning the basics? We need to learn defensive spells!" Katherine exclaimed.

"Why would you ever need to learn defensive spells? There is no one out there that would dream of hurting you," Umbridge said.

"Yes, there is!" Katherine argued.

"Like who?" The professor's smile was starting to fade as the disagreement went on.

"Are you seriously asking who, professor?" Katherine condescendingly laughed. "I thought you would be a tad smarter than that. I mean, you are a professor, right?"

"Are you trying to belittle me?" Umbridge looked like she was about to blow. "If you keep this behavior up, I will have no other choice than to give you detention!"

"Please do, professor!" Katherine practically spat out the last word. "You and the ministry know what's going on! Voldemort is back! Sooner or later, you will have to face the facts!"

"This must be about your friend. Cedric, was it?" Umbridge smiled. "Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident-"

"Are you kidding me? Voldemort killed him!" Katherine yelled. Several students screamed or shuddered when Katherine said his name.

"You-Know-Who is not back!"

"Yes, he is, and if you don't believe that, then you are just another bloody ministry idiot!"

"That's it! You have landed yourself detention, Miss. Ollivander! I will see you in my office at eight o'clock!"


Katherine stormed out of the classroom and ran into the Forbidden Forest. She wanted to see magical creatures. Perhaps they would help calm her down. Katherine stopped running when she saw Threstrals. They were wandering around. One of the Threstrals had a baby following. Katherine smiled and walked over to the baby.

She started to pet the cute creature. The baby Threstral snuggled its nose into her pocket. Laughing, Katherine pulled out a plastic baggy that held some sausage. Katherine hesitated when giving it a piece. She knew they were carnivores, but did they eat this kind of stuff? The baby chomped the link out of her hand and started to eat it. Katherine began to laugh at the sight. The Hufflepuff hung around the Threstrals a tad longer before deciding to head back to the castle.

The rest of the day flew by. It was finally dinner time. Katherine took her seat at the Gryffindor table next to George and glared at Umbridge. The toad had her fake smile on while she watched all of the students eat. George grabbed her hand and squeezed it. Katherine looked at him and smiled but let it quickly fade as she dumped several scoops of mac and cheese on her plate.

"What's wrong with you, Kari?" Ron asked as he took a bite of the chicken leg he was holding.

"I got in a spat with Umbridge, and now I have detention with her," Katherine answered. Katherine stabbed her food; she wished it was her new professor's face.

"I've got detention with the witch too," Harry sighed.

"What'd you do?" Katherine asked.

"Told her Voldemort is back," Harry replied. "You?"

"Same, but I called her and the ministry idiots," Ron and Hermione widened their eyes at the Hufflepuff. "What? Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I don't have a mean side!"

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