Legalism with the DOD

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Okay so back in my Freshman year of High School (A whopping 4 years ago already, damn) I was in an Ancient History class, and in part of that class we studied philosophical traditions from China, ex. Legalism, Confucianism, Taoism/Daoism. (I have already forgotten what all of those are really about, but bear with me here)

One of the assignments I had in the class was an extra credit thing where I could write something explaining one of the traditions to a fictional character, which, duh, I jumped on. I wrote it on Legalism and the Dragonets of Destiny.

And for SOME REASON, I don't think I ever put it on here (I may have in another book, idk, but it wasn't in this one so it's going in here now). 

But I was going through all the docs on my school account because I'm graduating soon and my account will be deleted after I leave the school (PSA- IF THERE ARE ANY DOCS OR PHOTOS OR ANYTHING ON YOUR SCHOOL EMAILS/GOOGLE DRIVES/ETC. DON'T FORGET TO SAVE THEM TO YOUR PERSONAL ACCOUNT OR TO A FLASHDRIVE OR COMPUTER BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE SCHOOL SO YOU DON'T LOOSE STUFF YOU CARE ABOUT!!!!), and I refound the assignment and thought it'd be fun to throw it on here. 

Personally I think it's a little cheesy now, and it's a fun way for me to see how much I think I've really grown as a writer over the past couple years, but I thought y'all might think it's funny so enjoy :)

BTW if any of the information on Legalism is wrong, forgive me, I did not go in depth with this topic


"What are you reading?" Starflight asked, leaning closer to my history book. I shoved his wings out of the way as I responded.

"It's a book about legalism."

"What's that?" Clay asked. "Is it food related?" Glory rolled her eyes.

"No Clay, it's a philosophical tradition from China." I replied.

"It's a what from where?" Clay said in confusion.

"A history related topic?" Starflight announced. "Tell me more."

"I don't get it."

"Could you explain it in words Clay can understand?" Glory advised.


"I don't get it either." Sunny admitted.

"Shh! Let the scavenger talk." Tsunami ordered. The five dragons sat down and listened as I explained.

"Legalism was one of the schools in ancient China." I began.

"Like Jade Mountain Academy?" Clay asked.

"Don't interrupt; we're learning!" Glory hissed.

"Legalists believed that all humans were born evil, or I guess dragons in your case."

"We're not evil!" Sunny exclaimed.

"What about Kestrel, Scarlet, Morrowseer, Blister, Burn, Darkstalker-" Tsunami started listing.

"Okay, I see your point. But not all dragons are bad!"

"Legalism was known as the school of law, and they thought that the only way to keep people in line was by harsh laws and strict punishments. Officials couldn't be trusted to do their jobs because they were naturally corrupt. The only way to maintain social order was by discipline and fear of punishment." I proclaimed. "It's like when you all were living under the mountain and Kestrel had strict rules. You lived under a Legalism-like rule because Kestrel would punish you if you did anything wrong."

"Oh," Clay replied. "That makes sense. I think."

"So Kestrel is basically the epitome of Legalism?" Starflight asked.

"Yes, because her cruel personality and harsh rules are like Legalism's strict laws and fierce punishments." The five dragons stared at me with shocked faces.

"That's horrible!" Sunny exclaimed.

"All those in favor of destroying Legalism?" Tsunami questioned. All five of them raised their hands.

"Glory! Melt it with magical death spit!" Clay pleaded.

"For the last time, it's venom, not magical death spit." Glory declared.

"That doesn't matter." Sunny announced. Glory sighed and sprayed venom on the legalism book. The pages started to smoke as the book melted.

"Hey!" I protested. "Just because you don't approve of Legalism doesn't mean you can melt my book!"

"I think it does." Tsunami retorted.

"We melt what we don't like." Glory explained.

"So, now that there's no more Legalism, how do the ancient Chinese people live?" Starflight asked.

"Well, there's Confucianism," I began.

"Is that food?" Clay pleaded.

"No!" We all exclaim in unison. 

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