Book Eleven Cover/Questions

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For starters, in case you haven't seen it yet....

For starters, in case you haven't seen it yet

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Don't they look pretty....

OH! And, it my just be me, but if you look really closely, I think I see a Dragonfly wing...

Anyways! I'm just going to list down all of my questions about the series so that they stop spiraling around my head. And, if you happen to know the answer or have a theory about it, please tell me about it!

Questions for Tui.

1. The main character of book eleven is a dragon from the lost continent. Is it the same dragon we meet at the end of book 10?

2. Will the next five books just be about the lost continent, or will the dragons of Pyrrhia tie into it?

3. If Pyrrhia has its own theories about Pantala, then what are Pantala's theories about Pyrrhia?

4. Do dragons in Pantala know that Pyrrhia exists?

5. Is Pantala the source of Animus magic? If so, does that mean that all the animuses of Pryhhia are secretly hybrids of some kind of Magicwing? (Oooo that is bad for Icewing beliefs)

6. Is Starflight going to be blind forever? Or will SOMEONE BE KIND ENOUGH TO HELP HIM!?!?! I'M LOOKING AT YOU ANEMONE! No, I don't care what Tsunami said, HE'S MISERABLE! 

7. Glorybringer. Cleril. Ripnami. Starspeaker. Before you go off on some Pantala voodoo whatever, MAKE THESE CANON. And we all know that they are, but I WANT MORE PROOF. A kiss, a dragonet, a riot, a civil war in the rainforest- SOMETHING!

8. How many books will there be that discuss the Lost Continent? Just five, or are we talking ten more?

9. Back things up, and get Turtljou back together, and PLEASE EXPLAIN THAT LITTLE BIT ABOUT ANEMONE!

10. So.....Are we ever gonna find out what happened to Umber and Sora? Are they dead? Are they IN Pantala? Are they hiding out with Umber's gay Skywing boyfriend?  Are they hiding in a scavenger's den to live out the rest of their existence? We don't flipping know. BUT I WANT TO.

11. I hear there might be a Winglet book on Clearsight. Will there be one on Jerboa? Both the dead and living ones?

12. Are we ever going to hear more about Carnelian? Is that another Winglet? Cause she kinda showed up and died. Do her parents eve care about that?............................ Does she even have parents?

13. If Clearsight is really alive on Pantala, then can we bring her back to Pyrrhia and introduce her to a certain strawberry loving dragonet? *hint hint nudge nudge*

14. What other types of dragons might there be on Pantala besides ButterflyWings? Are we talking Forestwings? Firewings??????????? Please let there be a Firewing. THINK ABOUT PERIL MEETING A WHOLE TRIBE OF DRAGONS JUST LIKE HER! OMG I may need to write a whole one-shot about this..

15. Did......Did anyone ever let Palm's sister out of prison?......Does Smolder know that Palm is dead?


17. Anybody else think that Stonemover might've enchanted the necklace that Thorn always wears????????

18. Will we ever learn the true names of all of Turtle's brothers?

19. Will Coral ever find out that Tsunami killed Gill?

20. Will we ever know who Glory and Jambu's parents are? Or Kinkajou's?

21. Will Sunny and Meerkat ever meet?

22. Will Winter ever find true love?

23. Is Winter's father dead? Cause I think he is, but I'm not sure...

24. Can...... Can we get five more books about the D.O.D.'s children after Pantala? Can we do that? Or can one of- OMM PERFECT IDEA LISTEN- What if in the last book about the lost continent, at the epilogue, we find out that Glory and Deathbringer are hiding an egg????? I. Would. Die. PLEEEEEEEEEEEZE TUI, I'M BEGGING YOU

25. How did the Nightwings find the volcano island in the first place?

26. Explain the Eye of Onyx, please.

27. Explain the Icewing's need of a giant Ice Cliff.


29. Please explain the Scorching.

30. Will there be anymore Legends books? 

31. Can we get the scroll Goodnight Moons? Cause I kinda wanna see it.

32. Please explain how Pantala and Pyrrhia were cut off from each other. What happened? Were they originally connected? Are there more lost continents we have yet to discover? A scavenger ruled continent perhaps????????

33. Have Six-Claws and Deathbringer met since the events of Winglets? If not, I WANT IT! AND GLORY AND THORN NEED TO BE SERIOUSLY CONFUSED IN THE BACKGROUND.

34. Where is Blaze?

35. Tell me more about Thorn's past. Can we get a Thornmover Winglet?

...........That might be it. 

....For now...

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