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I was tagged.



Unless you WANT a tag. In that case, take it.

So AGAIN, I must list 15 facts about myself, and I literally have no idea what to list anymore. What do you all want to know?

But here goes nothing.

1. My mom is a cop. My dad used to be a cop. My uncle is a cop. My other uncle is a chief of police. I know a lot of cops.

2. I am thinking about joining my school newspaper this year? Although it's more of a magazine....And I don't really want to write for them..... and I hate writing non-fiction....

3. I go to a private school, because the public high school in my town is miserable and full of teachers who don't teach, kids I don't like and that don't like me, and asbestos.

4. I am in the background of two YouTube videos.

6. I started the second book in a series I liked, and my favorite character got shot, so I shut the book, put it back on my shelf, and never opens it again.

Because she's still alive if I don't read it.

7. I skipped a number, because that number DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE A NUMBER.

8. I have no social media.

9. I am semi-fluent in Sign Language and Spanish.

10. My favorite superhero is Deadpool.

11. I am completely unathletic.

12. I do not understand my generation.

13. I want to buy a 1967 Chevy impala and go on a road trip with my friends that ends at Comic-con.

14. I'll be in college before I am legally considered an adult.

15. I once spent Christmas Eve in a shooting range.

16. I'm writing a book on all the crazy stories in my family's lives. Should I write that on here?

That's all!

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