Okay... so Can dragons be reincarnated? If so I think we have a slight problem. Darkstalker says that Moon reminds him of someone he used to know, and for those of us who have read Darkstalker Legends, we know that dragon is Clearsight. What if Moonwatcher is actually a reincarnation of Clearsight? And if so, she's definitely not the only one. So I'm just going to list who I think is a reincarnation of who and you guys can tell me what you think in the comments.
Moonwatcher- Clearsight/Foeslayer
Winter- Arctic
Turtle- Fathom
Kinkajou- Indigo
Okay... now gross part....
when Darkstalker went kukoo and you know...He was 5. 5-FIVE FIERCETEETHEN YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know that dragons are full grown by age 7 but still!
Okay, so when all of this happened, Darkstalker and Clearsight were 5
Moon is currently 4.
Darkstalker had the mind of a 5-year old when he was imprisoned and we can assume that after 2 thousand years, he is probably still a 5-year old at heart.
So........he could potentially have a crush on Moon and/or try to flirt with her.
so I guess what I'm getting at is...
Darkstalker is a creepy pedophile.
I'm scared.

Random Wings of fire stuff
Sonstigesthis is just random realizations, theories, ocs, one-shots, short stories, funny pictures, and anything else i think of related to the epic, awesome series, Wings Of Fire by Mrs. Tui T. Sutherland.