Tagged for the millionth time

643 17 51

Here we go. Again.


1. My hair resembles that of the Mad Hatter when he's played by Johnny Depp. Except that my hair is brown.

2. I hate most vegetables. Currently, my most hated one is green beans.

3. I once fed a duck in Myrtle Beach and it followed me around for like an hour afterwards.

4. Any pet that lives in my grandparents house is doomed to have a horrible fate.

5. I love wacky hats.

6. Part of the reason why I love reading and writing books is because I hate reality.

7. I am crazy.

8. I have more crushes on fictional characters then I do on celebrities.

9. I have never broken a bone.

10. I know two people that make dildos for fun.

11. I have 32 aunts and uncles....Maybe more if I forgot someone.

12. My worst subject is math, although I recently discovered that it's not ME that's bad at math- it's that I just had horrible math teachers for six years.

13. I follow these YouTubers:

14. I have laid down on train tracks before.

15. Technology is not my friend. It's out to get me, I'm sure of it.



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