Ripnami One-Shot

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The five Dragonets of Destiny were all together yet again. Only, this time, Tsunami was nervous about seeing them. She had something to tell them.

Something they were not going to like.

No, she corrected herself, Something that Clay, Starflight, and Glory were not going to like.

.....Something Starflight and Clay weren't going to like.

............Something Clay wasn't going to like. 

Tsunami shook off the thought. Someone, she knew, wasn't going to like this news. Her mother was definitely among them, but she didn't care about that. Her mother's opinion no longer mattered. Not since Tsunami had left the palace to be with Riptide.

That had been six months ago. Now she was living happily with Riptide, far away from Coral's disapproval. Sure, this new situation would complicate things a bit, but it would be alright. She was sure of it. 

"Are you sure I can't tell them?" Riptide begged. He wanted to share the news so badly, but Tsunami had turned him down. She grinned at him.

"I'm sure." She declared. His face fell and Tsunami turned to look at him, entwining their talons. "It's not because of you," she insisted. "It's just...they're my family and I don't know how they're going to take it. I just think they'll react better if they hear the news from me first." 

"That makes sense." Riptide agreed. They walked over to where the rest of the DOD were hanging out.

"Hey Tsunami!" Sunny greeted her warmly. "Riptide." She grinned at their entwined talons and whispered something about ships.

"Hi Sunny." Tsunami replied, glancing around. Clay, as usual, was eating. Sunny was swinging i a tree. Starflight was deep in some intellectual conversation with Glory, and Deathbringer seemed to hover over the entire area at once, never blinking, never removing his eyes from Glory. The rainwing, however, failed to notice. "Um, I have something to tell you guys." 

Clay stopped midway through shoving a fish in his mouth and Glory and Starflight looked over.

"We're listening." Starflight insisted. Tsunami glanced at all of them, then at Riptide, who entwined his tail with hers for confidence.

"Riptide and I are having a dragonet." she blurted. Sunny gasped and the other's jaws dropped. Glory grinned smugly.

"Well, you two didn't waste any time," she commented. Deathbringer swung down from a tree, high-fived Glory, and then disappeared again.

"YES!!!!!!!!!" Sunny screeched. She fell from the tree and hit the dirt before popping up a second later to freak out more.

Deathbringer suddenly appeared next to Riptide with a smug grin. 

"Well done," he said slyly, high-fiving him. "Knocking up the feisty one."

"Glory, remove your boyfriend before I murder him." Tsunami warned.  

"He is not my boyfriend!" Glory retorted. Sunny burst out laughing.

"LIAR!" she called. Starflight and Clay were gaping in shock.

"Overprotective brother mode?" Starflight asked suddenly. Clay nodded and lunged towards Riptide. Sunny and Glory rushed to hold him back.

"NO! Must...kill...." Clay begged, trying to crawl towards Riptide as the girls held him back. 

"There will be no killing!" Sunny announced. "You kill him, I kill you. And then Peril kills us all. Is that what you want?!"

".....No." Clay admitted. Before they could say another word, Starflight was next to Riptide. Tsunami growled protectively.

"We're watching you." Starflight warned, his eyes narrowed in an attempt to be fierce. Riptide bit back a laugh.

"I'm terrified." he proclaimed. Clay was being dragged away now, his claws leaving trails in the dirt.

"Kill the Riptide, kill, kill, kill..." he whispered.

"Clay, I think you can stop overprotective mode now." Starflight insisted. Clay's mantra immediately switched.

"Eat the cows, food, food, food...."

Riptide and Tsunami exchanged a glance.

"Well that went better than I expected." she admitted.

"Good." he replied. "Now let's go tell my dad."

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