Firewing One shot part 2

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A/N: I am thinking of making this into a separate book instead of just one-shots. Thoughts? I'm also thinking of writing a glorybringer part to it where they visit Fireflywings... Lemme know what you think!

A few hours later...

Peril sat awkwardly in Ignis's palace, still trying to get used to the fact that she could touch everything in there without destroying it. 

"Wait," Ignis said in shock. "Let me get this straight. Your tribe kills innocent dragonets because of their firescales?"

"Yes. Well, except for me." she confirmed.

"That's barbaric!" Peril shrugged.

"It's just easier for them. We don't have the fireproof technology you do. Anything I touch burns." Ignis stared at her as if she was the victim of some cruel tragedy.

"But that must be so..... lonely. Not being able to interact with anyone or touch things. Were they at least kind to you?"

"Actually the kind've see me as a monster. I had a crocodile thrown at me once. But-"

"A crocodile?! And here we all believed the dragons of Pyrrhia were more sophisticated. They sound like savages!" Peril's face fell.

"They're not savages. That's just how things were when I was growing up-"

"You mean they treated an innocent dragonet this way? That's even worse!" Ignis shook his head. "And what of that strange dragon you brought with you? Did he force you to come, as if you were some kind of slave?"

"Clay?" Peril said in shock. "Oh no. Clay isn't like that at all- he wouldn't hurt anyone! He's the best dragon I know!"

"Then clearly you haven't met many intelligent dragons." Another voice commented. Mico bounced into the room. "All he did was stuff his face. When I asked about Pyrrhia, all he did was murmur something about cows and that it's sunny there."

"Oh, sorry. He was probably talking about Sunny. She's a Sandwing princess and one of his closest friends." Peril explained.

"Are you one of his closest friends?" Ignis asked. She paused.

"Well, I wouldn't say we're friends. I wouldn't say we're not friends- I mean, we're close, but not really in the friendish zone of things, I mean, well... I'm not really sure." Ignis smiled.

"Your rambling is adorable." he commented. "And such pretty eyes. We don't have any Firewings with eyes as blue as yours." Peril froze.

Is he....flirting with me? she questioned. She eyed the leader of the Firewings cautiously, but he seemed sincere enough. ....Probably not. She gathered. Dragons don't really flirt with me. Still though, Ignis's smile made her wonder.

 "Um.. Thanks?" she said unsurely. Ignis's smile grew and then his eyes widened, as if something just occurred to him. 

 "Oh!" he exclaimed, hitting himself in the forehead. "Please forgive my horrible manners. You must be starving! Come, let's get you something to eat. MICO!" He led her down the hall into a huge dining hall with jewel packed chairs. If Peril wasn't positive they were fireproof, she wouldn't have dared to go anywhere near them. She melted one of Scarlet's rubies once as a dragonet. She shuddered at the memory. 

 "Everything here is so beautiful," she commented, admiring the room. Ignis looked pleased. 

"Yes, Pantala's natural beauty is quite extraordinary...Is Pyrrhia not as pretty?" Peril frowned. 

"I guess it depends on where you are. I'm told that the rainforest is gorgeous, but I can't go there." 

"Why not?" 

"It's highly flammable."


"Most of Pyrrhia that I've seen isn't as beautiful as this- but I suppose it's a matter of opinion. And I haven't explored it all." Ignis smiled. 

"Perhaps one day you can give me a tour of your land. Maybe I can help you believe it to be as pretty as you." She paused. 

Okay, he's definitely flirting with me. She confirmed. Oh my moons. Someone is actually flirting with me. Wait, correction. THE FLIPPING RULER OF THE FIREWINGS IS FLIRTING WITH ME! AAAAAAAH! CLAY HELP ME! Fortunately, Ignis failed to notice her sudden silence, as Mico brought in large trays of food Peril had never seen before.

 "It's a bit strange seeing a male dragon in charge of a kingdom. " she admitted. "In Pyrrhia everyone is ruled by queens." Ignis nodded.

 "It is the same way here." he explained. "My rule is only temporary, technically." Peril frowned. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Well, I'll save you the details, but here is the short version. I'm the youngest of three children- one older brother, one older sister. My brother was the firstborn, but he's basically the black sheep of the family. He was born without Firescales. He ran off and eloped with the younger Silkwing princess. I haven't seen him since. My parents died when I was young, shortly after my sister was married. Unfortunately, she died in childbirth. Everyone, myself included, assumed that the dragonet would be a girl and then some distant cousin would become queen until she came of age. But when the dragonet hatched, we got Mico instead. I looked through my family tree, only to discover that there were no other heirs left alive. Since I was the last one left in the direct line of royalty, I was crowned king shortly after I turned nine. Now, I will rule until I marry, which will then turn the throne over to my wife. My firstborn daughter will be the next true queen on the throne. If I fail to have a dragonet, who knows what could happen. There would be anarchy after my death." Peril stared. 

"That's quite a predicament." she thought a moment more and then laughed. "I'm sure your kingdom is really pressuring you to get married." Ignis didn't return the laugh.

 "Yes. They are. It is quite annoying when you are a dragon who wishes to marry, not for the crown-" he paused, looking Peril in the eye. "But for love." Despite how unnerving his eye contact was, Peril agreed. 

"I understand that. I've always wanted to marry, but I also thought I'd never get the chance, seeing as there are no other Firescales dragons in Pyrrhia." She smiled, thinking of Clay. "But now, things are a bit different." Ignis broke out in a grin and Peril's heart dropped, knowing that her words had been misinterpreted.

After they had finished eating, Ignis walked her around the palace.

 "After my sister died, her husband never really recovered. He walked into a den of rabid scavengers and never returned. Now it's just me and Mico in here." 

"That's so sad." Peril insisted. "And you think I'm the lonely one." Ignis snorted.

 "It is difficult to be lonely when you live in the same area as Mico. No matter where I hide in this giant place, he finds me and discovers a new way to annoy me." 

"It can't be all bad." 

"True," he watched her. "But it would be better if I had someone mature to share it with."

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