Why I Love Wings of Fire

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So it's like 6:30 in the morning here, and I've been up since 4, and there's no way I'm gonna be able to go back to sleep so why not just list the reasons why I love Wings Of Fire?

1. It's about DRAGONS. I mean, really, who doesn't love dragons.

2. No major and beloved characters die. Sure, they might come close to death, but Tui is kind enough to spare is the emotional trauma of their deaths. Unlike SOME authors. *glares at JK Rowling, Victoria Aveyard, and Veronica Roth*

3. The books are light hearted. Even in the most serious of scenes, you can always count on someone to crack a joke.

4. Okay, I'm not sure exactly what age group the books are meant for, but they can be enjoyed by adults and kids, because there's the surface of the books, and then there's the subtext.

There's a LOT of subtext in WOF. Maybe Tui should write for Supernatural.....

For example, take the scene from book 9 where Darkstalker tells Glory that dragons are coming to kill her. Deathbringer says he'll protect her, and Darkstalker says he'll die if he tries, and Glory agrees to Darkstalker's help.

On the surface, one might be worried for Glory's safety, and would be happy because there was a little Glorybringer moment.

Dig deeper, and one might think that the only reason Glory agrees to Darkstalker's help is because she's under his spell.

Dig even deeper, and discover the emotions that are clearly there, but never said out loud.

Deathbringer loyally swears to protect Glory because he loves her and that is literally his purpose in life. He feels threatened by Darkstalker because the animus was able to foresee the attack, and might be able to protect Glory better then he can. He waves off Darkstalker's warning of his own death because Deathbringer doesn't care about his own life- he cares about Glory.

Glory, in return, accepts Darkstalker's help, not because she needs it, but because of Deathbringer. She waves off the idea of an attack, unfazed by it. But when Darkstalker mentions that Deathbringer could die, her opinion changes, because she does secretly care for Deathbringer and she doesn't want anything bad to happen to him.

So yeah.

Three moons, why can't I write a school essay on THIS instead of some boring book everyone hates! I would ACE passage analysis if it was a WOF passage.

Okay, well this was my 7 am rambling on WOF and Glorybringer, see you all later.

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