Time Travel part 3

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A/N: Sorry this part is short! 

Nightflyer sighed.

"Do we really have to explain this all over again?" he asked.

"We're the Dragonets of Destiny's children from the future." Joy explained. "Believe us or don't, I don't really care anymore."

"That's impossible." Dune declared.

"Not if you have animus magic," Firefly retorted. Kestrel eyed them suspiciously.

"If you're from the future, then prove it." she demanded. "Say something that only dragons from the future would know."

"Uh, we know how the war ends?" Squelch guessed.

"Hang on, we've got this." Kelp interrupted. "Four words for each of you." Air faced Kestrel as Kelp stared at Webs and Joy grinned at Dune.

"Your daughter is alive." Air offered.

"Thorn and Six-Claws." Joy said vaguely.

"We know your son." Kelp insisted. 

The three guardians froze, their eyes huge.

"Woah." Starflight said in surprise.

"That was cool." Clay offered. "Do us next!"

"Where were we?" Seashell began. "Ah. Who wants to introduce themselves next?" 

"I'll go," Air suggested. "I'm Air. I'm Clay's daughter."

"What?" The Dragonets questioned in shock.

"I have a Skywing daughter?" Clay repeated. "But I hate Skywings."

"How does that even work?" Sunny asked.

"My mother is a Skywing, making me and my brother hybrids." Air explained. Squelch waved.

"Hi, I'm the brother. My name is Squelch." 

"Oh." Clay said awkwardly. "....Do you like food?"

"Oh yea." Squelch agreed.


"One more thing," Air began. "Our mother is actually Kestrel's daughter."

"WHAT!?!?" Clay and Kestrel screeched.

"Why would I ever-"

"My daughter would never-"

"That is DISGUSTI-"

"I would never allow my-"

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!" Air and Squelch smiled.

"Relax Clay," Air insisted. "Our mom is nothing like Kestrel." Clay breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Okay," Sunny began. "So, we have Nightflyer and Firefly, who are Starflight's kids. Air and Squelch, who are Kestrel's daughter and Clay's kids. Then there's Kelp and Seashell, who are Webs's son and Tsunami's kids-"

"Wait WHAT!" Webs yelled. Tsunami shuddered.

"-And who are you two?" Joy and Rainkeeper grinned cheekily. 

"My name's Joy." Joy began. "I'm Glory's daughter."

"What the hell?" Glory whispered. 

"And I'm Rainkeeper." Rainkeeper added. "Glory's son." 

"But you're a Nightwing!"

"We're both technically Rainwing-Nightwing hybrids." Glory shook her head.

"Nope. Not happening. There is NO WAY in the three moons that I would EVER marry a Nightwing." The dragonets from the future burst out laughing. 

"Not even a charming, smug, sarcastic, assassin Nightwing?" Joy questioned.

"What? No." They only laughed harder.

"Just wait." Firefly insisted. "It gets better."

"How?" Joy smiled and walked over to Glory, waving her talons as if she were presenting her.

"I give you," she began. "The Queen of the Rainwings and Nightwings." Glory's eyes widened.

"No way." Tsunami declared. "There is NO WAY that she gets to be a Queen before me."

"Actually," Kelp began. "She rules two tribes, Sunny is the lone heir to the Sandwing Kingdom, and you gave up your chance at the throne so that Seashell and I could live a better life." 

Everyone turned to stare as Tsunami's face grew red.

" I. Did. WHAT?!?!!?!?!?

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