Firewing Three-shot Part three

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A/N: Calm down everyone! Did you really think I would betray Cleril?

The Next Morning....

Peril paced the floor of the room she had stayed in, growing worried. It occurred to her that, throughout the entire day yesterday, they hadn't told her where Clay was. She didn't even know what they had done to him. And with Ignis's flirting, it made her a bit more concerned than usual. But she didn't know anything about this kingdom or where to go- how was she supposed to find Clay?

"Good morning Miss." Mico announced. Peril jumped,

"Three moons, how long have you been there?" she questioned. Mico shrugged.

"Not long!" he explained. "His Highness is away at the moment, but he made it very clear that I am to oblige your every request! Anything you desire, I can get for you!" Peril grinned slightly.

"Okay." she paused, pretending to think of something. "I want to see Clay."


"Clay. The other dragon I came here with. I want to see him." Mico's face fell.

"Oh. Um, I' sorry miss, but I'm not allowed to let you see him. Is there anything else you desire?" Peril's eyes narrowed. She should've known that something was up when they separated her from Clay in the first place! Curse Ignis and his charm. She crossed her arms.

"I want to see Clay."

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Ignis forbad it." Peril grabbed Mico by the arm, looking mad. The young dragon squeaked nervously.

"Then go find Ignis, and tell him to get his stupid ass back here and let me see Clay." Mico swallowed nervously.

"I-ignis is busy! I'm not allowed to interrupt him!" Peril released him.

"Well, there's no rule saying that I can't interrupt him. Now where is he?"


"Peril! Isn't this a lovely surprise!" Ignis began as she stormed into the room.

"Cut the crap, Ignis- Why am I not allowed to see Clay?"His face fell immediately.

"I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be able to. I just assumed that he was cruel to you like all the other dragons in Pyrrhia." Smoke fumed off Peril's scales as she glared at him. "Apparently I was wrong. Come, I'll take you to him."

"That's better." she growled.

Ignis led her down a dark hall, one lined with cells. Peril's heart dropped. Clay had been here while she'd been eating diner with a king? The realization hit her like a punch to the stomach and she fought back a wince. They stopped at one of the last cells and a familiar pair of brown eyes glanced up and widened.

"Peril!" Clay exclaimed, jumping up and grabbing the bars. "I knew you'd find me! Well, I thought you'd find me yesterday, but now's good! Please get me out of here." Peril stared in shock, feeling extremely guilty. He'd been waiting for her, and she had barely thought of it.

"Clay, I'm so sorry." she apologized, grabbing the bars. She looked back at Ignis, her voice growing hard. "Let him out."

"Peril, wait." Ignis pleaded. "At least listen to this before you assume I'm a monster." Despite herself, Peril paused and awaited his words. "What if you didn't go back to Pyrrhia?"

"What!" Clay yelled in shock.

"Clay, hang on." Peril insisted. "I'm listening."

"You said in yourself- you're all along there. But if you stayed here, you could be among dragons that are like you. Dragons that understand and respect you- even dragons that can love you, like me."

"She's got dragons who love her in Pyrrhia too." Clay growled, his fists clenching against the bars.

"But there's nothing there she can touch and no one who understand what that's like." Ignis stepped forward and grabbed one of Peril's talons. She jumped slightly at the strange feeling. This must be what it feels like to be a normal dragon, she thought, wondering at the strange normalcy. "I understand what that's like. We're two of a kind, Peril- alone in the world and underestimated. But together, we can be more than that." He grabbed her other talon and stared into her eyes. Clay cursed the metal bars that separated him from Peril, from being able to rip this dragon to shreds. "Think of what we could mean. A unity between Pyrrhia and Pantala. You could be my fire queen, Peril." Despite everything, Peril did. She did think about it.

She thought about a life here in Pantala, married to Ignis. She could see herself being happy here, surrounded by dragons just like her. She could live a normal life, without ever having to worry about burning things. But there was something almost...missing from this fantasy.

Then she thought of a lifeback on Pyrrhia, the place she knew, with dragons she'd always known. A life where dragons feared her and threw things, where she had to worry about killing everything that surrounded her. But it wasn't all bad. There were dragons that cared about her, friends she could have. Even a dragon who loved her. A dragon that mattered to her more than anything. Her eyes drifted away from Ignis, towards the bars with Clay's worried face against them.

"What do you say?" Ignis asked, trying to refocus her attention. "Will you marry me?" Peril looked straight at him.

".....Nah." she deadpanned, breaking away from him. She turned towards the cell with a smile. "I've already got a dragon I love."

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