Time Travel

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A/N: Okay, so this is basically some one-shots on if the DOD's children went back in time. I know I kinda did this in T or D, but this is different. This also takes place when Joy, Air, Kelp and all them are 4, so Firefly and Squelch are 3 and Rainkeeper is 6. 

It was summer break, Joy thought to herself. That specifically meant that she didn't have to go to school. And yet, here she was, alone with the rest of the Dragonets of Destiny's children. They were having some meeting about the school, and had decided to drag their kids along. It was this reason why she, Rainkeeper, Air, Nightflyer, Seashell, and Kelp were sprawled out on the smooth stone floor of JMA, trying not to die of boredom. 

"There's got to be something to do," Rainkeeper insisted.

"All the art supplies and instruments are packed away for the break." Air explained.

"And we can't go in the library." Nightflyer added.

"So, no. There isn't anything to do." Kelp groaned.

"I'm bored." he declared. "Anybody got an insane idea?" Joy turned her head towards the Seawing.

"Well, you've always got one option." she hinted.

"Not in the mood."

"Fine. Be bored then." 

"Hey guys!" A voice called from down the hall. Squelch and Firefly ran into the room. The had chosen to explore the mountain, something that the others had already done. "Check out what we found!" Firefly held up a glittering jewel. 

"I found it in Stonemover's cave," she explained, shivering slightly. "I think it might be animus touched." The others shot up and Nightflyer quickly snatched the gem from his sister. It felt eerie in his talons.

"I wonder what kind of jewel it is," Air commented. Joy studied it for a moment. 

"Holy coconuts," she whispered. "That's grandidierite." 

"It's what now?" Squelch asked.

"Grandidierite. It's one of the rarest gemstones in the world."

"And you know this how?" Kelp questioned.

"Gemstones is a unit in a class we had to take." Rainkeeper explained. "You'd be surprised what royalty has to learn." 

"Lemme see it!" Squelch proclaimed, grabbing at the stone. 

"Squelch be careful with i-" Air exclaimed, just as the stone slipped from Nightflyer's talons and rushed towards them floor. Everyone lunged towards it, and Firefly swore, for just a moment, it flashed a bright red light, unusual for the blue stone. But then it was gone and a rushing noise filled their ears.

A moment later, they all dropped to the ground, the grandidierite stone clanging down with them. Firefly grew slightly concerened as she noted her surroundings. The floor was much rougher than at JMA, and it was dark. The others froze. 

"Firefly," Nightflyer asked cautiously. "Where are we?" 

"I don't know." she admitted. "But it definitely isn't Jade Mountain." 

"No way," Joy said sarcastically. "Whatever gave that away?" 

"Did you hear that?" a voice asked. They froze as footsteps were heard.

"Crap." Rainkeeper hissed. "We gotta hide." They looked around, but the dark cavern didn't seem to have any hiding places at all, leaving them completely exposed as five dragons stopped dead at the sight of them.

"Woah," one of them whispered. Seashell glanced closely at the group. There was a Mudwing, a Seawing, a Rainwing, a Nightwing, and a Sandwing. For some reason, they all looked familiar. She stared at the Seawing for a moment before noticing the royal pattern in the dragon's stripes, and then the familiar blue eyes.

As her companions froze in realization, and the new dragons stared in confusion, Seashell belted out a single word.


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