Time Travel part 6

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Sure enough, Stonemover stood in the cave before them, glaring at the dragonets from the future, who cowered guiltily under his stare.

"Which one of you idiots took the grandidierite?" he demanded. Firefly and Squelch immediately pointed at each other.

"It was their fault!" they exclaimed in unison. Stonemover sighed and then glanced around the cave, his face dropping as he spotted the Dragons and their guardians. 

"....Nightflyer," Stonemover began. "You're the only one here that I know has a brain. Answer me this- how much did you tell them?"

"Uh," Nightflyer admitted. "Everything...."

"Oh for the love of moons," Stonemover groaned. "Where's the jewel?" Rainkeeper quickly handed over the gem as Stonemover turned to Firefly. "I'm leaving the memory charm up to you, seeing as you're one of the reasons we're here in the first place."

"Hey!" Firefly retorted. "It's not my fault! Squelch is the one who dropped the stone!" 


"Wait... What do you mean, memory charm?" Glory questioned.

"Obviously none of you can know about the future. Knowing what will happen could change everything and alter the future in ways we can't imagine."

"Like what?" Sunny asked.

"Like since we know why we end up in Scarlet's arena, we fly a different way so we never meet her, and then we don't end up there." Starflight explained. "So then Dune would still be alive, and Clay might never meet Peril."

"So Squelch and I would never exist." Air concluded. Nightflyer's head whipped around.

"WHAT! That's bad! That is extremely bad!"

"Understand now why you MIGHT HAVE DESTROYED EVERYTHING?" Stonemover yelled.

"Wait," Tsunami said in realization. "You're going to wipe our memories?"

"Just your memories of us." Firefly corrected. "That way the future won't be altered."

"But- you can't!" Glory exclaimed.

"We have too." Joy admitted ruefully.

"Not happening." Glory objected. "This place is a hellhole, and you're going to rob me of knowing that my life gets a thousand times better?"

"This is how it has to be." Stonemover interjected. His eyes flickered over to Sunny, but he didn't say anything. "You've already been told too much." Clay nodded.

"Okay." he agreed. "Let the memory wipe begin."

"Wait really?" Air questioned. Clay shrugged.

"I'm probably not gonna remember half of that stuff anyway. Might as well just finish off the rest of it."

"Clay, how can you say that?" Sunny demanded. "Don't you want to know how we end the war, or that you fall in love? Or that you have dragonets for crying out loud!" Clay shrugged again.

"I'm still going to know all of that." he retorted. "But it's like they said! If we keep the memories, then they might never exist, and I like these guys too much for that- even if they freaked us out a bunch."

"That may be the wisest thing you've ever said." Glory insisted.

"Alright." Starflight sighed. "Let's just get this over with." As Tsunami and Sunny reluctantly agreed, Firefly grabbed a rock from the ground and quickly enchanted it.

"We'll have to leave as soon as their memories are wiped." Stonemover explained. "So say your goodbyes now, I guess." Air and Squelch ran over and hugged Kestrel.

"Bye Kestrel!" Air exclaimed.

"We'll always remember you as our mean dead grandmother!" Squelch added.

"Nice Legacy." Kestrel grumbled.

"If it makes you feel any better, Sunny cries when you die." Joy offered.

"And the rest of them?"

"Could care less."


"Ready!" Firefly called.

"Bye Webs, Bye Tsunami." Kelp proclaimed.

"Have fun being in laws!" Seashell added. The group from the future circled up, as they had when they originally dropped the stone. Firefly lined up the Dragonets and their guardians, and blew the powdered up rock at them before quickly joining the circle. As the dragons from the past rubbed at their eyes, Stonemover dropped the Grandidierite, whisking the group back to the present.

They crashed down on the stone floor of JMA with a thud, groaning at the sudden impact.

"I hope you've all learned your lesson." Stonemover hinted.

"And I hope you've learned to hide your animus touched objects better." Rainkeeper shot back.

"Um...." Another voice interrupted. They turned to see Clay, Tsunami, Glory, Starflight, and Sunny,all of them older now, and staring at them.

"Do we even want to know?" Glory asked. The dragonets grinned amongst themselves.

"No," Stonemover declared, grabbing the grandidierite and walking away. "No you don't." 

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