Time Travel Part 2

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"Uh......" Rainkeeper began, staring at the dragons before him in shock. 

"Hi." Air offered. 

"Can you, uh, give us a moment?" Joy asked. They nodded and the dragonets whipped around.

"Where the hell are we?" Squelch demanded.

"Squelch, I' m pretty sure the better question  is when." Firefly corrected.

"Are they who I think they are?" Seashell hissed.

"If you think they are a much younger version of our parents, then the answer is yes." Nightflyer insisted.

"By all the moons." Kelp whined.

"We're doomed." Joy announced. "Sooooooo dead. Dead dead."

"Joy, stop it. We just have to figure out how to get home." Rainkeeper objected.

"Maybe we should figure out how we got here first." Air insisted. "It must have been that stupid gem."

"But why would Stonemover have a time travelling device?" Firefly questioned.

"We'll worry about that later." Nightflyer insisted. "We've got bigger problems at the moment." 

"Like what?" Squelch asked. Firefly hit him.

"Do you know NOTHING about time travel?" she hissed. "Anything we do could alter the future in ways we can't possibly imagine."

"So.... The Dragonets of Destiny meeting their children before even escaping their cave is probably not a good thing." Rainkeeper explained.

"Honestly, we've probably screwed things up as bad as they can get at this point." Joy insisted. "And they're gonna wanna know who we are, and I don't know about you, but this could be hilarious." 

"Are you seriously thinking about comedic value in this situation?!" Seashell demanded.

"Just trying to lighten the mood!" Seashell stared.

"And to think, the future of the Rainforest depends on this dragon." Kelp whacked her.

"Back off." he advised. Nightflyer frowned.

"Firefly," he began. "As much as I hate to ask... Do you think you could enchant something to wipe their memories once we've found a way home?"

"Or some way to just zap us back to the present?" Firefly thought for a moment. 

"Yes, I think so." she agreed.

"Great!" Joy insisted. "Now we can tell them the truth."

"Joy, no." 

"She has a point." Kelp cut in. "They deserve to know." 

"Well then," Air began. "Here goes nothing." 

They turned around again to face the younger Dragonets of Destiny. 

"Hello," Joy greeted them.

"Who are you?" Sunny asked. They glanced at each other.

"Um, we didn't consider the fact that they'll never believe us, did we?" Rainkeeper presumed.

"I think he'll get it." Firefly insisted, nodding towards Starflight. 

"Me? Get what?" Starflight questioned, looking nervous. 

"We should probably do this delicately." Seashell advised. "It might shock them." 

"Hey, so, we're actually from the future. We traveled her using a strange animus touched object, and, funny story, we're actually all your children." Joy explained. The Dragonets of Destiny stared.

"Um, Starflight?" Clay asked. "What are they talking about?" He didn't respond, but instead stood there, pondering the message. Sunny studied the group and then nodded.

"I believe them." she insisted. "I can see the resemblance."

"What resemblance?" Tsunami questioned.

"Oh come on," Sunny declared. She pointed at Rainkeeper. "Can you honestly tell me this one doesn't look like Glory."

"WHAT!" Glory exploded. Tsunami narrowed her eyes.

"Maybe if Glory was a Nightwing." she guessed. 

"This might actually be possible." Starflight declared suddenly. "We have no idea what the limits to animus magic are. If you can find a way to bend time, you could zap someone back, although I'm not sure how." 

"Exactly." Firefly agreed. "It's a very scientific way of thinking and would require a great comprehension of the space-time continuum." Starflight nodded and the other dragonets stared at Firefly.

"Sold." Tsunami announced.

"Yea, we believe you." Glory agreed.

"Why?" Kelp questioned.

"Because only someone that's related to Starflight would say something like that." 

"That's-" Nightflyer paused. "Okay, yea, that's true."

"So, you're all our children?" Clay repeated.

"Yep!" He frowned.

"Well that doesn't make sense. None of us are Skywings." Air started to laugh. 

"Oh, you'll see." she laughed.

"How about you all tell us who your parents are, and who you are." Sunny suggested. 

"Okay, let's start with the least shocking." Joy insisted. 

"In that case, Hello." Nightflyer began. "My name is Nightflyer. I am Starflight's son. You'll meet my mother in a year or two, I think. You'll like her."

"I'm Firefly." she continued. "I'm Starflight's daughter, which I'm pretty sure you all knew."

"She's the one who likes scrolls." Nightflyer announced. Starflight's eyes widened.

"You don't like scrolls?" he whispered. Nightflyer shrugged.

"Not to the level of enthusiasm you do. I take after my mother." 

"I marry someone who DOESN'T like scrolls?!"

".........Something like that. Someone else go please."

"Oh, this'll be good." Seashell declared. "I'm Seashell."

"And I'm Kelp." Kelp continued.

"We're twins."

"We're also Tsunami's son and daughter." 

"And, to top it off...." They grinned in a way that made Tsunami uneasy.

"Our father is Web's son." 

Tsunami screamed and a minute later, footsteps thudded into the room as three more dragons appeared, looking alarmed and shocked. Air's eyes widened.

"Who are you?" Kestrel demanded, Webs and Dune standing right behind her. 

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