The Cave

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So. (I think I've started nearly every one of these with the word so.....)

Meant to publish this yesterday, so sorry, please note that I am going away to a camp on the 9th and won't be back til the 23rd, and I will be counting down Book 10. Seriously, the night of the 24th, you might want to turn off your notifications. I'm gonna be annoying.


Do you think the D.O.D. ever......went back to where they grew up?

Because I think they did.

After the war ended, my guess is that the dragonets of destiny sat down and told their story. To Queen Thorn, Deathbringer, Peril?, Queen Coral, Riptide, Fatespeaker, maybe other queens, reporters, (Does Pyrhhia even have reporters?....) Just, they told their story. Everything. From what it was like growing up with Kestrel, Dune, and Webs, to the "Brightest Night" where they ended the war.

Hey, Quick Question. In other fandoms, who do you think would be Kestrel, Dune, and Webs? Cause I'm kinda've getting a Severus Snape feeling for Dune....they're both considered to be misunderstood characters, they're both dead... Oops, don't say that! *delete delete delete* :)

Anyways! Back on track!

I think that after the way ended, the dragonets went back to the cave they grew up in, and they brought Peril, Riptide, Deathbringer, Fatespeaker, and Thorn along to show them how they had been raised. 

Think about it,

Bringing Peril,

-Would show her that Kestrel wasn't really such a great dragon.

-Would show Peril that Kestrel didn't care about the D.O.D. more than her own actual daughter

Bringing Riptide,

-Would show Riptide that Webs probably cared more about him than the D.O.D.

-Would show that Webs's not the horrible dragon that Riptide has been lead to partially believe.

-Would maybe lead Riptide to believe that there's more to Tsunami than meets the eye, seeing how she reacts to being back in that place. A.K.A. RIPNAMI MOMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bringing Fatespeaker,

-Would maybe make her feel a bit more grateful that she hadn't been raised there

-Might make her glad that she wasn't a real D.O.D.

Bringing Deathbringer,

-Cause, duh, did you really think he wouldn't come? Glorybringer, come on, that was easy.

-And one other thing. GLORY-FREAKING-BRINGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bringing Thorn,

-............Um.....She'd want to see it?

-Motivation to find an animus so she can resurrect Morrowseer and Dune and make them into Foeslayer's so she can go all Queen Diamond on their asses? That sounds reasonable.

So, picture it. This awkward group goes to the cave, maybe gives Dune a proper burial (cause, let's be honest, who wouldn't be willing to bet that Scarlet just kinda left his corpse there?), etc.

Riptide like, freaks out over the lack of water.

Peril, freaks out over the lack of sky.

Thorn, loses her shit over the lack of sunlight.

Deathbringer, threatens to kill Webs when he learns that the guardians would hit Glory. "Threatens" *cough* Definitely doesn't violently kill him in secret *cough*

As much as they hated the place, the dragonets look back and smile at the cave. Clay and Tsunami jump in the river for old time's sake, Sunny climbs on her favorite stalactite one last time, Starflight anxiously searches through the scrolls for any that are still intact, stuff like that! They tell the others about the sleeping caves and someone questions how they used to sleep before them, and then the D.O.D. end up laying in a pile on the floor, demonstrating how they used to sleep. 

And, icing on the cake....

In the study cave, someone questions why there is a pile of rocks on the floor and the dragonets joke about how they used to study and the others demand to see. So, they agree to reenact the "beginning of the war" exactly the same way they did in the beginning of book 1. Same roles and everything. Just....think about that for a minute. Thorn watching Sunny play Queen Oasis, FATESPEAKER WATCHING STARFLIGHT PLAY BLAZE! Deathringer insisting that Glory should've played Blaze because she's the prettiest, Glory throws a rock at him. Riptide laughing his head off, watching Tsunami "Weep" over "Queen Oasis's body."

And then they leave, close the cave, and no one ever goes into it ever again.




Until.....a group of dragonets that grew up listening to their parent's famous story go looking, and find the cave.

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