Prediction for book 10

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A/N: That moment when you are debating whether Moon will end up with Winter or Qibli so you ask people on Wattpad and you get one comment for Moonbli and one for Winterwatcher............

Anyways! This is just, straight out, what I think is going to happen over the course of Book 10, Darkness of Dragons.

Just gonna list some bullet points,

-Darkstalker and Foeslayer awkward family reunion! That'll be fun! *mentally screaming at the very thought of this happening even though it will*

-We meet the mysterious Sandwing animus and she helps Qibli, Kinkajou, Moon, and Anemone take out Darkstalker! (Holy coconuts, I just realized that if the Sandwing Animus is a girl, then Qibli will be the only guy left on this adventure. Geeze Lousie! Why is it always the guys? I mean, Starflight was blinded, Winter is under a spell, Turtle got his power taken away, Umber is on the run with his murderer sister, and Clay almost died. What happened to the girls?................Well Kinkajou got put in a coma and Carnelian died.........Oh. Right. Oops.)

-The prologue with either be about how Qibli joined the Outclaws, or how he got his scar.

-Moon will choose between Qibli and Winter

-Darkstalker will die and the Icewing plague will stop when he dies

-Darkstalker will die because he didn't enchanted his snout to be invincible against pineapples. (Actually, I think he did something like Diamond did with Foeslayer, where there is a way to undo it, but it's something no one would ever do. For instance, I think Darkstalker can only be killed by someone he truly loves, so he can only be killed now by either Foeslayer or Moonwatcher)

-The Epilogue will be incredibly long in order to tie up all loose ends

-There will be more books about the lost continent

-We will meet new dragon tribes

 And, I think that's about it but I will add to it if I think of anything else. I'm mainly just writing this so when Book 10 comes out I can see if I was right, or if I've wasted away hours of my life analyzing this book series. (But do I regret it? Nope!)

And, I just have a little theory about the Moonbli vs. Winterwatcher debate. (Winterwatcher shippers please don't hurt me. I'm not choosing a side! It was just a thought.........)

I think in the end Moonbli will become canon because the last book is written in Qibli's point of view and that would be easier to settle in the book then in the epilogue. 

If my theory is correct, then I think Hailstorm will tell his tribe that Winter isn't dead and he'll come back to his tribe and maybe marry Lynx or someone else.

*sees angry mob of Winterwatcher shippers* 


*drops phone*

*runs for life away from Winterwatcher shippers*

*hides away in the Glorybringer bunker cause it's safe there*

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