Turtle and Albatross

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While writing a completely different thing, I stumbled upon the thought of animus dragons. More specifically, their common ancestors, like how in the Seawing and Icewing tribes, all animuses are either related to royalty, or bred into the royal line, whereas every Nightwing animus is a descendant of Whiteout.

But really I started thinking about Seawings animuses, cause they're a really interesting concept.

Because Queen Coral LOVES having animuses. We know she does. She uses Anemone's power throughout book 2, despite Anemone not wanting to use her magic to help the war. And I'm sorry, but I still think it's HIGHLY suspicious that she suddenly loves Turtle enough to write to him and he just happens to be an animus too. You can say that it's just her attempting to be a good mother, but I don't see her attempting to learn even the NAMES of her other 31 sons, do you?

So it's highly likely that Coral is getting herself on good terms with Turtle for her own benefit, whether it's to use his power for her own wants someday, or if it's just to prevent him from killing her in some brutal, magicked way.

And that made me realize another thing.

Darkstalker doesn't like Turtle because he reminds him of Fathom, and in a lot of ways, that's true. Turtle is basically a reincarnated form of Fathom, in his looks and in some of his actions. Plus Indigo and Kinkajou seem like they're on the same wavelength, but that's a whole other thing.

But what if Turtle wasn't so much like Fathom? Because it seems to me that there's another path. 

Turtle could've VERY EASILY become not the next Fathom, but the next Albatross.

Sure, Albatross went mad with his power and slaughtered his family, but are we sure it was for solely 'loss of soul' reasons? (It's been awhile since I've revisited Darkstalker Legends, so forgive me if some of this is incorrect or if they mentioned other reasons and I'm just forgetting). Cause it seemed to me that Albatross wasn't exactly fond of his family, especially the Queen.

And Turtle is in a similar boat of isolation. After the incident that resulted in the Orca statue destroying some of Coral's eggs, Turtle isn't on good terms with anyone in his family. Gill shuts him out and then gets captured, only to die. His mother doesn't even know his name, let alone care about him, and she keeps his living sisters away from him and his brothers. And since the incident, Turtle was shut out by his brothers too, to the point where HE ENCHANTED THEIR FOOD TO MAKE THEM LIKE HIM AGAIN.

Geez animuses seem to have a thing for manipulating feelings, don't they?

But what if Turtle hadn't gotten back his brothers? What if he was left isolated like that for years? Hated and resented by his entire family? Turtle's not the most social dragon in the world, but I'm sure that would get to him. His brothers shutting him out got to him enough that he was desperate enough to enchant them to take him back, so I don't think it's too far of a step.

And if he's left alone with no one for a long amount of time, who knows what he'd do with his magic? Who knows what his mental state would be? I could see him snapping one day and killing someone, couldn't you?

I know Turtle's kinda soft, but if driven to the brink of loneliness, of regret and shame and having not a single dragon care about him? Having the Queen, his own mother, not even know he's alive? In that situation, yeah, I can see him starting a second Seawing Massacre.

I think it's very likely that Turtle could've gone Albatross and killed his family. Who knows, he still might. I'm suspicious of Coral's sudden acceptance of him, and I'm worried about the consequences of messing with other dragons' emotions. Turtle is a good character, but I don't think he's innocent, and that's what makes him fascinating to explore.

So yeah, there's my random idea, and for fun, here's a list of the Jade Winglet in order of most to least likely to kill their family-








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