Technical Questions for WOF

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Okay, so, the fact that Wings of Fire is in a completely different world full of dragons raises a lot of questions in my mind- questions that we don't really have answers to, and that I know we're most likely NEVER going to get answers to, because some of them are weird, and others just no one has ever thought to explain before.

Most of these unanswered questions cause problems in fanfictions- particularly for me, because some people are fine with some things, and others say that they'd never happen because dragons don't do that.


So here's a list of questions that have popped up in my head over the course of the entire series. 

WARNING: Some may destroy what's left of your innocence, and others may make you question my sanity and your own.

And others are just plain WTF WHY?

Here we go.

-At what era of technology are we at in Pyrrhia? Cause there are several mentions of torches and lanterns, and lamps in the series, which makes me think we're in the Middle Ages- but in Darkstalker Legends, Darkstalker refers to a number of 'strange contraptions' in his family's kitchen, which I assume is a note to things like fridges, microwaves, toasters, and stoves. But do those exist in this world? I can understand fridges, but I don't think they have stoves or microwaves because, they have fire, duh. But for some reason I also think Pantala is more technologically advanced then Pyrrhia because of their flamesilk stuff and everything, but that's a whole other story.

-Do dragons have indoor plumbing? Or do they have outhouses? Or do they not care? The whole idea of dragons needing a bathroom just messes with my mind.

-Do they have sinks? I think so. In Darkstalker Legends, Darkstalker had a small stream in the back of his family's home, which is where they would wash their dishes, but I assume not every home in every kingdom has that, but I think that their technology must be far ahead enough for them to have some kind of water system, so dragons having sinks in their homes seems logical to me. 

-Do dragons smoke? Yes, haha, they smoke when they breathe fire; but I mean like cigarettes and stuff. Because if I remember correctly, cigarettes are made from tobacco, which is a plant, which could possibly grow in Pyrrhia- along with several other plants that certain drugs are made from- so if they have tobacco, it seems logical that they would also have cigarettes or cigars or something, right? 

-How does dragon biology and anatomy work? Just gonna leave it at that.

-Do they have pencils in Pyrrhia? I know they don't have pens, because they just dip their claws in ink, and worst case scenario, you just use a feather, but I SWEAR there was a mention somewhere of somebody writing with a pencil, which makes me think they have those. What other writing utensils do they have?

-Do dragons have forks and spoons, stuff like that? Because we know they have plates from Darkstalker: Legends, but I think they just pick things apart with their claws. I know they have knifes, but I doubt they have steak knives or stuff like that.

-What materials do dragons use to build stuff? I know that they mainly use whatever materials are in their individual kingdoms, but still. Do they have metal? Do they have steel or concrete? I think they have metals and stuff, but I think concrete is still unknown to them, although Darkstalker did make that little prison in book 9 out of concrete, and no one knew what if was made of, thus, they don't know what concrete is.

-Do dragons mine, then? I think so, because there have been mentions of diamond mines before.

-How does a dragon pregnancy work? I read a comment somewhere saying they take two years, but IDK.

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