RANDOM STUFF! Updates, A Quiz, my stance on Moobli/Winterwatcher.

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Um.......Title explains all. Read what you want/need to.

For those of you that think Firefly is Starflight's daughter:

No. She's not. Tui confirmed that Firefly is Glory and Deathbringer's daughter. And if you're confused then I'll break down Moon's vision. We're in the Library in Jade Mountain. Starflight is sitting peacefully at a desk. Three dragonets are pouring over a scroll or map of some kind in the corner. Suddenly, a small dragonet comes running in, grabs a scroll from Starflight's desk, kisses him, yells "Thank you father!" and takes off flying down the hall. Starflight calls after her to remember not to fly in the tunnels. Then, Clay walks in and explains that his students keep asking questions, so he wants Starflight to come and lecture then so that they'll fall asleep instead. Starflight laughs and goes to leave. Before he does, he tells one of the dragonets in the corner, a purple one named Firefly, to put the scroll they're looking at back when they're done. She replies and then goes back to talking with the other dragonets, a Seawing and an orange-brown dragonet. Ta-Da! Firefly is not Starflight's daughter.

Moonbli Vs. Winterwatcher:

Winter may die so I think Moonbli's gonna win. Could be entirely wrong, but who knows.


[Answers will be in the next part, Comment answers and I'll dedicate the part to whoever gets it all right!] NO CHEATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

1. In book 1, What are the names of all the dragons that Peril, Clay, Starflight, and Tsunami fought in the arena? Both the dead and alive ones.

2. How many eggs has Queen Coral lost, in total, THAT WE KNOW OF? Tsunami does not count.

3. Who sent the assassin after Darkstalker?

4. Which of the dragonets was Deathbringer supposed to kill?

5. What was the name of the guard that Fierceteeth told her story to, and that helped them escape the Sandwing Stronghold?[-If you haven't read Winglets: Prisoner, then there is an alternate question at the end-]

6. There were supposed to be 5 dragons raising the D.O.D. What were their names? Including the dead ones.

7. Who is Moonwatcher's father?

8.  Who did Deathbringer kill in order to go on the mission with his mother? Name this dragon, and whether he was Deathbringer's father, cousin, brother, or friend. [-Again, alternate question if you haven't read Winglets -]

9. Name three of Tsunami's brothers. 

10. When and why did Darkstalker awaken?

Alternate Questions for numbers 5 and 8. [Just put a star next to these so I know you did the alternate] ONLY FOR THOSE THAT HAVEN'T READ THE WINGLET BOOKS!

5.* Name at least three members of the Talons of Peace.

8.* Name all the Queens that have died in the series so far. 

That's all! Comment your answers!!!!!!

Update on Sandwing Rebellion Theory:

Qibli's mother has come into the picture. So.....Sirocco and Rattlesnake, (Qibli's sibs) are gonna kidnap somebody, most likely for the bird rebellion. AH! SCARY MEDALLIONS! They're going to kidnap either Moon, Sunny, Thorn, Foeslayer, Mysterious Sandwing Animus, Potentially Anemone, Potentially Kinkajou, OR Cobra (Qibli's mom). Agh! So many options!!!!! And all so good....Who do you think will be kidnapped? Let me know in da comments!

Update on Lost Continent Theory:

Hey. Hey. It's happening. New dragons tribes? They gonna exist. And there will be more books with dem in it. I think it might be magical, and/or where Animus magic originated from. Who knows, maybe Clearsight really is alive and living on it. Maybe she warned them about when Darkstalker would come again and they're going to come and defeat him! Omm that would be epic!

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