FireflyWing One-Shot Part 2

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Later that day, Queen Alina took Glory on a tour of her palace. Deathbringer and a FireflyWing guard hovered behind them, out of earshot, but still able to watch the queens closely. 

Alina eyed the Rainwing Queen curiously. FireflyWings were gossip lovers, especially sense they were able to sense certain things. And Alina just couldn't help but ask.

"Glory, I must ask," she began, glancing quickly at the bodyguards behind them and lowering her voice. "Is there something....going on between you and your bodyguard?" Glory's eyes widened and her scales flashes pink with embarrassment before Glory stamped out the color.

"I-I have no idea what you're talking about," she insisted, her face flushed. 

It's not like we're secretly married, she thought sarcastically. Not like we're totally and completely in love with each other and the entire rainforest has no clue. It's not we're going to have a-

"Are you sure about that?" Alina urged. She smiled friendly. "Remember darling, we know these things." Glory blushed a bit harder.

No point in trying to conceal anything, she realized. Alina already knows. She wrung her talons.

"We're married." she offered, her voice quiet. Alina's smile grew.

"Oh, I just knew it!" she exclaimed. "You two are simply radiating with love and worry for each other." She sighed. "It's so sweet to watch young love." 

"Yes," Glory agreed. "Well. No one is exactly aware back in my kingdom," she trailed off. Alina eyed her carefully.

"Well you'll have to tell them soon." she insisted. "Especially with the.....other half of it." She winked at Glory, causing the Rainwing's eyes to nearly pop out of her head.

"How did you-" Glory stopped herself, answering her own question. They know these things.

"You said you came here with your friends," Alina continued, stealthily switching the subject. "Where are they now?"

"I'm not sure." Glory insisted. "We paired off and everyone flew in a different direction. We were going to meet up again in a few weeks to discuss what we had found." Alina gaped at her.

"You can't possibly be thinking of flying." she said, appalled. Glory gave her a deadpan look.

"I've been through worse."


"I'm fine, Alina. Really." The FireflyWing scowled at her.

"Your handsome Nightwing begs to differ." 

"Deathbringer is just extremely overprotective of me. He has been since the day we met, and will be until the day he dies." 

"And is he aware of your current.... condition?"

"Yes." Alina thought for a moment.

"You seem like a very kind dragon, Glory." she began. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"I can take care of myself." Glory objected. "I always have."

"But you are unfamiliar with how this works."

"And you are unfamiliar with how my entire tribe works." Alina stood up straighter.

"You are in my kingdom, Queen Glory. And while you are here, that also means you follow my rule. If you want to put yourself in a risky position, I have every right to forbid it and force you to stay here until you are well enough." Alina paused. "And I have no doubt that your own husband would agree to having you stay put."

Red streaks flickered on Glory's scales. 

"And should I take that advice as a light threat?" Glory questioned.

"Not at all." Alina insisted. "You are a very important figure where you are from. I am just making sure that nothing bad happens to you on my territory. If you disagree with how I plan to accomplish that, then I advise you keep that opinion to yourself." Her face softened. "I didn't mean to offend. I just wish to befriend you, Glory."

"I understand," Glory offered, glancing quickly back at Deathbringer. "I too, hope that we will be great friends."

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