Firewings One-Shot Part 1

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A/N: So, although I have discovered that it is highly unlikely for there to be Firewings in Pantala, that's not gonna stop me from writing a One-Shot about them. Let's just say that somehow, Clay and Peril are on the lost continent- right in the middle of the Firewing kingdom...

"This place is so weird," Clay commented as he and Peril wandered around the strange buildings. There was a quick sound, as if someone had moved. Peril whipped her head around, her eyes searching for the dragon who had made the noise.

But there was no one there.

"Very weird." she agreed, her eyes narrowing. "Where is everyone?" 

As if on cue, red dragons appeared and rushed at them, surrounding them in a tight circle, spears pointed towards them. Clay yelped in surprise and Peril grabbed his arm as they took in the new dragons. Peril's eyes widened as she looked closer. 

There was smoke coming off of every dragon's scales. 

Just like hers.

"Firewing." a booming voice called. "Who is this impostor?" They glanced up to see a lone, handsome dragon walking down the steps of a tall building. His eyes stared straight at Peril. 

"Oh," she offered, realizing that he was talking to her. "Uh..... I'm not a Firewing...?" She frowned in confusion.

"Wait..." Clay began. "If you're the Firewing, does that make me the impostor?"

"Honestly, Clay, I think we're both the impostors." Peril muttered.

"Not a Firewing?" The strange dragon questioned. He gestured with his claw and the rest of the dragons parted so that he could reach them. He eyed Peril closely. "Then I must be going blind." Clay stood up straighter. Something about this dragon made him feel... uneasy. And he especially didn't like the way he was eyeing Peril. Not at all.The other dragons looked at him like he was dangerous, although he wasn't sure why.

"We're uh,... we're not from here." Peril explained. "So I can't be a Firewing. Is that what you all are? Firewings? Cause that's pretty cool if you are. I mean, I'm the only firescales dragon in Pyrrhia so it can be a little weird... If you all have firescales, how come those spears aren't melting? Are they fireproof? Can you make that? Cause that would be really awesome if I could make fireproof stuff- why am I still talking?" She laughed nervously. The Firewing stared at her.

"You are from Pyrrhia?" he repeated, his voice suddenly lower.

"Yes." He glanced at both of them before turning to the other Firewings.

"Behold! A visitor from our neighboring land! Put down your weapons- this is a guest!" The Firewings obliged, dropping their spears and nodding towards Peril.

"Um, don't you mean guests?" Clay asked. "I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Starflight said the plural form of guest is guests."

"Why would he need to correct you on that?" Peril questioned.

"I thought it was guestes." She fought back a smile and looked back at the strange Firewing, who nodded at her.

"My name is Ignis. I am the ruler of this land. Please, join me in my palace. There is much to talk about."

"Okay. I'm Peril." she insisted. "And this is Clay." Ignis glanced over at Clay, who waved.

"Hi," he offered, smiling innocently. Ignis's face remained emotionless.

"Mico!" Ignis announced. A wiry Firewing appeared from the crowd, looking eager to please. "Take this...Clay, to the quarters while I chat with our visitor."

"Wait what?" Peril asked. The quarters? What did that mean? She didn't want to leave Clay alone in this place- she didn't ever want to leave him alone! And the idea of being left alone with Ignis didn't sound as wonderful as he might think it did.

"Yes, Highness." Mico piped up. He nodded at Clay. "Come with me stranger! I bet you're hungry after your flight!"

"Food?" Clay repeated, his eyes wide. Peril sighed, knowing she had lost. "I'll see you later Peril!" he called as Mico lead him through the crowd.

"Come along," Ignis insisted. "I'm sure you have many questions about our land- and I yours."

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