Some Random Questions For You To Answer

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So, this doesn't have anything to do with WOF, but I an genuinely curious about the answers to some questions, so please answer them and let me know what you think!

So, for starters, I am considering writing some original stories on here, seeing as most of my fanfictions are done. Would any of you be interesting in reading those?

I have some stories in the works, but I'm not sure which ones I should be focusing on more, and which ones I need to throw out a window, so which one of these books would you rather read-

1. A fantasy story, similar to Lorien Legacies, in which four teenagers have elemental powers. (Perk- there's lots of action, surprises, and an actual fanboy who has ships)

2. A realistic fiction story about three siblings trying to have epic love stories. (Perk- lots of ships and nearly the whole book is fluff, plus there's a gay ship, if that counts as a perk, and some interesting plotlines that could actually happen)

3. A Fantasy-ish story about a girl who gets sucked into various video and board games, and has to use the characters in the game, and play the game in order to survive and go back home. (Perk- has ships, action, and some funny moments. Plus a guy you hate gets decapitated at one point)

4. A true story about the insane stories that go on in my family's lives. (Perk- stories about ME! And things I find funny! And they all really happened!)

5. Coal's story, but as an original story, in which I would turn everything human and expand on his character and the Sting (Perk- you know the basis already)

6. A realistic fiction story about a girl with Schizophrenia and Anthropophobia- fear of people in all situations. (Perk- she hates people, and has no filter when it comes to interacting with them)

7. A realistic fiction story about a musician who lived a hard life retelling his life's story to a young girl. (Perk- has some relate-able moments, is a generally good story, I think)

That's all the ideas I'm working with for right now, but I think some of them could turn out really good. But seeing as I'm trying to get my stories to appeal to an audience, and you're an audience....

In a book relationship, which one of these would you rather read about- A couple who has personal problems between just the two of them, or a couple who has problems because society itself thinks they shouldn't be together?

Do arranged marriages really exist in the U.S.A.? I know they do in other countries, but is it too far a stretch for a book set in the U.S.? I'm not sure....

Is it too evil to kill off a main character because I want his girlfriend to suffer a little bit more? Cause I don't WANT to kill him, but I feel like it's a good move...

Okay, I do have ONE question for Let The Chaos Continue, now that I think about it.

What's the most mature theme I can discuss in LTCC? Because I know some of my readers are younger then others, and I don't want to discuss anything that makes someone uncomfortable, so if there is a topic you'd prefer me to avoid, please let me know. 

I think that's all for now, but thanks for helping me out!  Have a great day!

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