Glorybringer One-Shot

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A/N: I can never watch movies again without thinking of Glorybringer. Don't get it? Next time you watch Tangled, just imagine Rapunzel as Glory, and Flynn Rider as Glory. And Maximus as one of the D.O.D., probably Tsunami, and Pasgel as Silver.

Glory and Deathbringer were laying on a Rainforest platform, enjoying a free day for once. Glory was loving it. A day with no one bugging her except the one dragon that she didn't mind annoying her. 

"Hey Glory?" Deathbringer asked as a thought occurred to him.

"Yes?" she asked, hoping he wouldn't talk too long. She was about to fall asleep.

"Remember how when we met I offered to buy you a drink in an Icewing tavern?"Glory snorted. 

"Who could forget?" 

"Well, we never did get that drink, now did we?" Glory sat up and stared at him. 

"Are you suggesting that we go all the way to the Ice Kingdom, a place that is freezing and full of dragons that hate me and would most likely kill you on sight, just so you can buy me a drink?" He stared back at her.

"That is the general idea, yes."

"..........Alright, I'm in."

A little while later, Glory and Deathbringer found themselves entering an Icewing tavern. Glory was staying in camouflage as an Icewing, just in case, but there was no denying what tribe Deathbringer was from. The plan was that Glory would go in, disguised, and get two drinks. Then she would leave and they would drink. But Deathbringer didn't like the idea of leaving her alone in a bar. Even disguised as an Icewing, Glory was pretty. And pretty dragons didn't last long in bars. 

If she doesn't come out after two minutes I'll go in, he though to himself as their plan began. Two minutes later, Glory hadn't returned. So, he walked in the way he always walked; confidently, a smirk on his face and a swagger in his step. 

"NIGHTWING!" practically the entire bar yelled, running at him. Brewing fights and tension disappeared instantly as all the dragons dropped what they were doing and rushed at Deathbringer. They grabbed him and pinned him to a table, ready to kill. Glory's eyes widened from the other side of the room, trying to keep her scales from going green.

"Wait!" one dragon yelled. Everyone froze. Who dared to object this? A tall, muscular Icewing stood up and stared at Deathbringer. The glass in the Icewing's hand shattered from him gripping it too tight. "It's him." the Icewing growled. "This is the dragon that killed my brother." 

"Well then it's only fair that you get the first hit, now isn't it Gray?" another one suggested. 

"Gladly." the tall Icewing-Gray- snarled, raising his fist. Glory looked around as Deathbringer squirmed under the other Icewings hold. She spotted a pool cue and grabbed it. 

Everyone stopped as a loud crack was heard as a pool cue was smashed onto the back of Gray's head. 

"Let. Him. Go." a voice growled. Deathbringer winced as Gray and the other Icewings turned to face Glory.

Gray almost laughed. A short, young, odd-looking yet pretty Icewing glared at him, her strange green eyes lit with fury. The end of the now broken pool cue was clenched in her fist. Gray stepped towards her and slowly wrapped one of his talons around her neck. She showed no fear, and he smirked.

"Now why would I do that, when I can get vengeance, and then see a bit more of you in one night?" he asked. 

"Because if you don't, I'll kill you." Gray burst out laughing along with the Icewings. Glory shrugged.

"Hey, I did warn you." she commented before spraying venom into Gray's eye. The Icewing released her and screamed as his eye began to disintegrate. As soon as she was released, Glory vanished into camouflage and the Icewings went into a panic. The dragons keeping Deathbringer pinned got sprayed too and Gray lay dying on the floor as dragons went into a frenzy, running for the door and trampling each other. Glory quickly grabbed Deathbringer and pulled him into a corner before fading back into view. 

"Nice work," he commented. "Thanks." 

"Don't thank me for something I shouldn't have had to do." Glory retorted. They ran from the bar and took off into the sky, flying as fast as their wings could carry them. As they landed at the tunnel to the Rainforest, the seriousness of what they had done faded away and they burst out laughing. 

"We should do that again sometime." Deathbringer suggested.

"Or, we could do something that doesn't end with murder." Glory offered.

"Like what?" Deathbringer questioned. Glory wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

"I've got a few ideas." she insisted in a sly voice. Deathbringer grinned and kissed her back. 

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